Animation changes are not slow (unless you have huge sprites).
You should be able to change animation on every tick without any problems, that's about 60 times per second.
So you must have some error in your code.
This is the wrong approach..
You should use TextWidth property of the text object. Note, that it takes time to render and TextWidth property is not available immediately.
See this post:
or search the forum, there should be plenty of examples
In event #2 simply change "-" to "+" in this formula
a=angle(Paster.X, Paster.Y, mouse.X, Mouse.Y)+Paster.ThisAngle
Have you tried this?
CrosshairSprite Set angle to angle(Mouse.x, Mouse.y, Ship.x, Ship.y)
You posted the link to dropbox home page.
You'll probably need a plugin for that. Here is one I found (commercial):
If you did this with ClimbProgress (0..1), this shouldn't be happening..
Could you share your project?
It would be much easier if you could share your capx.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I've seen a few similar plugins (another version of BBcode, TagText, RichText or something like that). There may be a plugin that supports URLs. Try googling or see this post:
AnD4D , Yes, I have Paster.
You probably have a "default" instance of the Line sprite on your layout.
Create another layout (call it Unused or Assets) and move the Line sprite there.
Text object with Fade behavior.
Or do you mean the real system toast?
Member since 26 May, 2016