So you mean it doesn't bother you?
I guess I got used to it, but it doesn't. There are about 30 different JSON objects in my project, storing all kinds of data from single keys to huge structures of nested arrays with tens of thousand values. Maybe I don't understand all points of your idea, but I can't imagine a custom feature based on variables having that level of flexibility.
Can you explain why you recommend disabling BBCode?
If you are not using BBcode, you should disable it - then I believe you won't need to escape "[" character in your texts.
I believe what you are suggesting is very close to JSON. Of course, dealing with JSON is not as easy in C3 as working with variables, but it can provide all the functionality and flexibility you described.
Most, if not all c2 plugins has been ported to c3 now
This is not exactly true. Many C2 plugins have not been and never will be ported, for example very popular Canvas and Paster. If the project is using them, the only option is to stay in C2.
Aizark Have you tried opening the project in C3? Maybe it won't require much extra work.
You can use "Move at angle" action.
Sprite Move 10px at angle Bullet.angle
Use a sprite or tiled background instead. It's much easier than dealing with CSS.
Here is an example:
If you are using 8direction or Platform behavior, set a vector:
Sprite set vector X to cos(Bullet.angle)*100
Sprite set vector Y to sin(Bullet.angle)*100
You might need to temporarily reduce deceleration value in the behavior and disable player controls.
Not sure what exactly are you asking, but dealing with JSON is pretty straightforward once you understand its structure. There is a unique path to every bit of data in JSON. For example JSON.Get("") will return "UEFA".
You can use relative path, for example inside "For each entry" loops:
For Each entry in "data.competition" Console log JSON.Get(".name")
".name" here is a relative path, this code will print all league names in the "data.competition" array.
More info in the documentation:
There are plenty of online tools which will help you to convert JSON string to human-readable format and explore its structure, for example:
Also I always recommend this small project, it shows full paths to all keys:
This is clearly a bug, I suggest reporting it here:
You can mention in the report that it may be related to this issue.
Also, if you haven't done this already, I suggest disabling BBCode on text objects.
— Press F12 in preview and check for error messages in the console.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Check out R0j0hound's comments in this old thread:
If you know the exact number of parameters, then just list them after the function name, for example with two parameters:
runtime.callFunction("prova", 10, 20);
runtime.callFunction("prova", "text", "some other text");
Member since 26 May, 2016