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  • Well, just after I posted this I fixed it by putting the touch event for the smaller asteroids first.

    Funny how just typing out the question, posting the image and reading myself and I found the answer. haha.

  • Not sure how to else to explain this and it's weird I have never ran into this issue before and I have been using construct for almost a year now.

    Anyway, It's simple, I have a large asteroid. When you TOUCH it, it destroys and spawns 2 smaller asteroids from it's origin. If those asteroids are TOUCHED, they destroy with some particles.

    Now, if I touch the bigger asteroid dead center, it destroys completely showing the particles, and neither of the 2 other asteroids are spawned.

    My guess is the touch event is carrying over to to the two smaller asteroids as soon as I touch the larger one, causing them to destroy at the same times. This doesn't occur if I touch the big asteroid on the outer edges when the touch "follow through" doesn't touch the newly spawned smaller ones.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It's a basic idea, and I assume I am missing something that I just can't seem to put my finger on (No pun intended :)

  • You are putting too much meaning into the dotted square. All that represents in the size of the window. Where your player+scrollTO behavior is, is where the game will start. Just try it!

  • If it's spawning from the enemy that was just killed, then when you do the action that destroys the enemy, spawn the powerup then.

    I'm not totally sure if that is what you are asking or not. I was a bit confused :).

  • Understood. It would be nice to have the ability to pick objects, I agree :).

  • What about using an invisible sprite/wall on top of a visible one?

  • I don't know what movieclips is, never dealt with flash.

    But if you are taking about on the event sheet? Then sure, right click and choose create group. Name it, and drag all relevant events into that group.

  • Global Variable AMMO

    Subtract 1 from AMMO each time you shoot.

    If AMMO = 0, wait X seconds, set AMMO to full again.

    Does that make sense?

  • OK, I put the code in the index.html right after:

    <div id="c2canvasdiv">

            <div id="fs" class="grid-item">


    Don't forget to go through the rest of the steps in the link. Installing the SDK, adding ads.js, setting internet under capabilities.

  • I've been serving MS Ads on my Windows 8 games for some time.

    This give the quick walkthrough.

    Soon as I get back to my win8 machine I will post where exactly you put your div code, I don't remember off hand.

  • Here is an example using a function and a boolean instance variable.

    Toggle Sprite Visible / Invisible

  • Try Construct 3

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  • What's happening is that set of code is constantly running, so when you click and deactivate it, the next line of code says oh it's deactivated, activate it. Next time you click it does the same thing.

    I'll try to whip up a example.

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