ArcadEd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Nice job russpuppy

  • Refresh is taken care of by Mopub (it's a setting when you set up your ad units) so I don't manually do it in C2.

    On full screen ads, I do have code that refreshes them ever 60 seconds so when I am ready to show them, they are good to go.

  • Seems like it's high, but my ads are on the bottom of the screen and no where near touch points, so I'm not really sure why that game is so high. I would never intentionally put ads in a place just to profit off them, it's a fast way to get really bad reviews and games pulled from the marketplace. I discuss it in detail in my course.

    The game has 30k installs and has been around for over a year. It averages over 300 installs a day and about 150 uninstalls.

    The game has been on the marketplace and untouched for about a year. It the amount of installs rose month to month. Based on some of the reviews, it seems it gets a lot of use in other countries for people starting out learning english.

    Here is a screeshot of the game with the ad.

  • Past 7 Days shown

    Now the last 2 are the same game that has about 20k active installs. Those that have updated the app are running through CJS. Those that haven't, are running through phonegap, sdk.

    The one thing about admob/phonegap is the banner ad is always on screen. However it doesn't interfere with your game space, it basically shrinks your game around the ad. If that makes sense. I used to get similar numbers with my Word Search For Kids game when it was all admob. I'm actually glad to see the numbers so similar.

  • Actually, the way mopub has explained it to me is the your HIGHER CPM ads get first crack at an ad, and then it goes down from there. That is how you prioritize your networks.

    According to mopub that is . I don't completely get it either, I know my games actually running the admob sdk just much higher ECPM than those running through CJS/Mopub. With that being said, just kind of have to go with the best option you have at the current time. Right now it seems it's CJS/Mopub.

  • [quote:2u3blqsb]I know there's a guy making a class or something, and charging people money for it. I don't agree with trying to make money from a community so I'll do my best to share anything I learn that might be helpful to people trying to make income developing apps.

    Yes, thanks for the sharing. I don't really appreciate the comment about me "Trying to make money off the community", but you are entitled your opinion. I put countless hours into creating my courses that go into detail with a problem people were having getting ads working with CocoonJS from start to finish.

    I answer questions daily through the forums, PM, Skype and facebook about getting things working without taking a dime from people. I would think my rep and history on these forums prove that.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Looks like you don't have a publishers ID set in AdMob under Network.

    Your's might start with Pub- something.

    I know it costs money, but I really do recommend to anyone struggling with getting mopub/admob working, to drop the 20 bucks and take my course on Udemy. It really goes through step by step and it's valuable information to have .

  • That looks like your marketplace settings. Marketplace is mopub ads.

    You want to find Global Segments, and set there.

  • reinhardius are you still compiling with 1.4.7 or using the beta 2.0?

  • OK, the freeze up only happens with More Games on mobile devices (Tested on ipad mini and nexus 7). All others work like logo.

    Confirmed the audio issue on my ipad mini. I'm going to remove music all together from the game and see if that helps at all.

    PixelRebirth anything you can think of why the "more_games" action isn't working like the others? Works fine on PC browser, but on 2 mobile browsers I tested it just locks the game as soon as it's called.

  • Thought I would bump this every few months just in case .

  • You just create a layout and make it your startup layout. Then after so many seconds (Wait 10 seconds) you have it go to your next layout.

    In your case I would probably use 1 layout for the Dev Name, Publisher, Platform and just use Construct tools to animate the sprites or whatever you want to do. Then goto your title screen after the final animation is done or after so many seconds.

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