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  • Thanks ludei, you have been very informative. I hope the relation between C2 and CJS can be mended because CJS is an amazing wrapper I have used for 2 years and it just keeps getting better, especially now that more attention is being paid to the plugin and you guys are communicating with the community.

    Ashely, what do you think? Is this something achievable in C2? Do other wrappers that have layout to layout loading have an option for some kind of progress to be shown during loading?

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  • Good info, thank you.

    The question still remains, now that we have layout by layout loading, if we want it, how can we pop a loading bar or something while loading a layout. Is it possible?

  • ludei I just sent the latest memory demo with a loading layout to your support email.

  • ludei working on adding a loading screen to the memory demo I sent earlier. Just wanna test it with both compilers first.

    I'll email it to support and post here when I do.

  • ludei

    Are the setMaxMemory and setNPOTEnabled features options available through the plugin via the editor (I see it was updated) or do we need to make that change in code after it's compiled from C2?

  • I'll try to whip one up. I assume it's because not all assets are loading at start like before, the loading layout just replaced the standard HTML5 loading screen. It's just nice to give users some kind of feedback when they need to wait, rather than what appears to be a frozen screen.

    I'll add a loading layout to the memory.capx I sent you all earlier.

  • ludei

    So if I compile with 2.1 on the cloud compiler, what is the default action? When I tried last night I noticed my loading layout was gone, but there was longing loading times between layouts. If I wanted it how it was before 2.1, how is that achieved?

    Secondly, and this might be a question for ashley, but will there be a way to show a loading progress from one layout to the next. For example in the demo capx I gave you, it takes a few seconds when you touch the screen for the next layout to load. Is there a way to let the user know it's loading?

  • Please Ashley

    I will need to read all of this a few times to make sure I understand all the options before updating any of my games. Thank you ludei for taking the time to explain it.

  • I recompiled my hungry hal game with 2.1 and it ran much better. However the loading layout doesn't work anymore, I'm guessing because it's not loading all assets at once anymore?

    Also, the loading between layouts is obviously doing something because it takes a while to move to a layout with lots of graphics, like my game layout. I am wondering if there is a way to show a loading progress for that?

  • I didn't do as much as I did the first time I did this, but here is a comparison from CJS Compiler 2.0.1 and the new 2.1. You can see there is a definite difference. We can wait for ludei to confirm what they changed.

  • I actually think this is fixed. The memory management. I noticed it right away as there was a pause when switching between layouts, like stuff was loading.

    My screenshots confirm. I'll try to gather up everything to make sure i am not crazy.

    There is still a 40mb difference between the C2 debugger and what the activity monitor in Xcode says.

  • Interesting.

    ludei any word on this?

    I'll recompile my demo memory capx I sent them when I get home and see if anything has changed.

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