ArcadEd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Wow, that's pretty awesome.

  • When           Wednesday, March 6, 2013

    6:15pm- 8:15pm

    Where           YetiZen Innovation Lab

    540 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA

    Click here to register and learn more about the event:

  • Revmob support or ads and more access to the xcode project file or android build to add support for OUYA, Gamestick etc.

    This is what I would like to see, so we can have control over any additional SDKs we want to include in our apps.

  • I didn't use a family. In my final version of the game I used arrays that that stored the letters.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Then using tokenat I populate the Text Boxes.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    This really wasn't an easy project at first, especially if you are just learning construct.

    The way I did it was such that I could easily add levels just by updating the 3 main global variables, or even have those global variables updated via an ajax/php action.

  • maddymouse

    If you know how many words are on each layout, then create a global variable to keep track.

    Global Variable WordsFound

    Each time a word is a found, add 1 to WordsFound

    When WordsFound = Amount of words on the level

    -> reset WordsFound to 0

    -> go to next layout

  • I've noticed this recently as well. I don't remember it being a problem before, did something change over the last few versions of either Chrome or C2?

    I haven't tried to see if the problem happens with all browsers are not. I Just noticed it with chrome.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm thankful for the forums and the community. I would actually prefer if the scirra team concentrated on our concerns about c2, and making it better than spending time on the forums.

    I say this because the community is so good and knowledgeable. Maybe if the community wasn't as good, I would agree with the OP. I would also agree if it was scirra staff answering all the questions in the howto forums that have been asked 100 times. Thankfully, the community steps in so they don't have too.

  • +1 :)

  • Like thehen said, I just use incognito window in chrome. InPrivate browsing in IE and Start Private Browsing in Firefox should all accomplish the same thing.

  • I haven't had an issue with my mini I bought last year, but I hardly use it.

  • MarketJS and are both good. Also, researching myself and emailing lots of gaming websites asking if they are interested in purchasing my games.

    Takes some leg work, but hopefully it pays off. Actually had a publisher contact me a few days about about non exclusive on all 4 of my games at once in a bundle deal :). It's very exciting! Keep at it.

  • Well for me it's just a combination of using all different avenues. My Word Search game is also on iOS for 99 cents and sells between 15-20 copies a day. All of these number about double on the weekends as well.

    I'm pretty excited about the numbers with Microsoft Advertising, hopefully that continues well.

    Then we have blackberry 10 coming.

    All of them have also increased over time as the games get more installs.

    Finally offer the games to publishers at non exclusive licenses. That is where I make most of my money right now and what makes the developing worth it.

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