Thanks for the feedback and info, some comments:
- Z Elevation, can't go up top, those are C3 reserved properties. I have asked that C3 plug-in SDK expose 'common Z-Elevation' ACEs', but Ashley has not done it yet (please vote it up, so perhaps he will):
- Bounding box/collision. This is dependent on the C3 collision system. Currently, the C3 system only supports 2D collision, so it does not take Z elevation into consideration. Instead, in other C3 examples, people usually create associated 3d objects with collision filtering or a full 3d collision system (see Construct Community Discord and Twitter for examples.) Perhaps one day C3 will add more 3d collision support (or develop your own or use 3rd party.)
- The sphere rotation, is probably related to how I am doing rotation for certain meshes/nodes differently. I have seen this in other static models and other multiple mesh models and I'm looking into it.