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  • This site seems to have a bunch. They aren't C2 friendly WAVs, so you'll have to do some conversion. Other threads have addressed sound conversion issues.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The new Timer behaviour gives you complete control over starting/stopping.

  • Actually they are all picking the correct objects, but you are only logging the first. You then need to iterate (For each) through the results.


  • Give me a couple of days to see how far I get. My next step was to auto-calculate placement/sizing-values. I've been reluctant to jump on this as there seems to various threads on how the plugin should be using some of the 'standards' out there for spritefonts, which would make my tool irrelevant.

    Edit: Actually I've already got it auto-positioning and sizing. Just need to build the character-width strings/values.

  • Have you installed .NET 4 from Microsoft?

  • Do you want the words just random, or 'random' but they can't be in their original position? Having duplicates makes this a harder problem.

  • Assuming you don't like how the default Fade behaviour works, you'd use the timer to set a variable, that you are checking (Every tick, for example). If it's set you call the fade code. Reset the variable when your fade is done.

  • You should do this tutorial first. It will help.

    Building a platform game - a beginner's guide

  • Any 'On' condition (with the green arrow next to it) is a trigger. Triggers are called whenever the event occurs OUTSIDE of the regular script loop, so you can't place any code after them expecting that code to be called next, it won't be.

    So what is happening here is the key is pressed, the JumpKeyPress is set to true and the Score set to 100, then the code returns. It does not keep going. So the next time the script runs, your Every tick event sets JumpKeyPress to false, and the Is JumpKeyPress won't be evaluated.

    What you could do here is not reset every tick, but have the Is JumpKeyPress reset the value.

    KeyDown works because it is a regular event, not a trigger.

  • There is no one answer for this question. It depends on a lot of factors. The 'Maximum Background' thread is actually for Construct Classic so doesn't really apply to C2 and it's range of platforms. I think this thread is a better read: Large Layout Issues

    There are always tricks to improving performance. With lots of enemies, you can only see so many at a time, so if they start bogging down your game, you can always destroy them when they are outside of a certain range to get your object count down and recreate them when in range again. It just takes extra work to manage performance optimization. But you wouldn't go to this trouble until you knew it was an issue.

  • System->Set object time scale

    You can use System->Restore object time scale to revert it back to the global setting (if needed).

  • Actually, from a quick test, you can set the global time scale to 0 then the individual time scale to over-ride it.

    The object version is right next to the global version in the System.

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