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  • You probably need a 'For each' before event 37, then move 37 and 38 as a subevent of it. That will ensure you are picking one at a time and moving each correctly.

  • Problem Description

    This may be related to Lunatrap's bug, but I didn't want to hijack that thread.

    I've got a function being called twice in a row. In r165, SwitchPlayer() is called once. In r166, SwitchPlayer() is called twice in a row, by itself.

    Description of Capx

    This is my multi-player Tic-Tac-Toe game (again). I've had to strip out my third-part plugins, but was able to add a button that shows the same problem.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Start on Layout Login
    • Press OK
    • Duplicate the browser tab to get a second instance running.
    • Press OK
    • Press the "Press Me To Test" button on one of the instances.

    Observed Result

    In r165 you'll see:

    fnc BEFORE SwitchPlayer() Browser_plugin.js:559

    SwitchPlayer()-IN Browser_plugin.js:559

    SwitchPlayer()-OUT Browser_plugin.js:559

    fnc AFTER SwitchPlayer() Browser_plugin.js:559

    In r166 you'll see:

    fnc BEFORE SwitchPlayer() Browser_plugin.js:559

    SwitchPlayer()-IN Browser_plugin.js:559

    SwitchPlayer()-OUT Browser_plugin.js:559

    SwitchPlayer()-IN Browser_plugin.js:559

    SwitchPlayer()-OUT Browser_plugin.js:559

    fnc AFTER SwitchPlayer() Browser_plugin.js:559

    Expected Result

    Same behaviour as r165...

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (N/A)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Your array starts at a Width of 10. Pushing puts it at the end, so 10, 11, etc. Your ImagePoints start at index 1, so you need to set the size of the array to Width 0, and add 1 to the IndexOf() calculation, then it works.

  • I've also got a case where a function is being called twice. I log before and after the function and I log inside the function. I get the outside 'before' log line, then two 'inside' log lines, then my 'after' log line. The same code in 165 shows the expected 'before', 'inside', 'after'.

  • int(random(0,SPAWN+1))

    (random doesn't include the top value - check the manual for details).

  • System has a 'Set object time scale' and 'Restore object time scale'.

  • No reason that shouldn't work. You'll have to post what you have so far for a closer look.

  • You can use direct expressions with the 'Compare two values' event. Depends on exactly what you are testing.

    Otherwise you have to break it into multiple events. You can't do it in one C2 event. The condition must be one of AND or OR.

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  • Saving the data is independent of the version of software/game, unless you design it that way.

  • Updated: Added ability to set individual cell textures.

  • gonzdevour Officially fixed.

  • I've already provided that sample CAPX.

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