Local variables only last for the length of the event - that's what makes them local. Otherwise they would be global. Locals are only used for temporary calculations. You could use an instance variable on the "Local" sprite, if you needed data to persist per object.
Sorry. The full answer this time.
That doesn't help. We need to see the code to help.
You should pin yellow to green, not the other way around. Do it "On start of layout".
Plugins are added to the layout. Right-click the layout window->Insert new object->Audio.
In C2 you escape double quotes by doubling them
If you've copied my sample code, which it looks like you did, the second action of event 1 sets the space width.
Just change the data. You can see the list of sizes in the JSON string. Just change the 5 to your new value.
If S=1 => Action
If S=2 => Action
You should be using Else to enforce that the value is only evaluated once, in that time-frame.
Don't move the Else up, follow my instructions. (Delete the bad Else first).
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Member since 28 May, 2012