xoros's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello everybody,


    Just a small feature suggestion, which can save a lot of unnecessary mouse movements and time:

    "The tile picker"

    • in a tile map editing mode (e.g. pencil or rectangle) hold some button (shift or alt)
    • cursor changes into a picker icon
    • click (pick) any tile on a canvas
    • selected tile changes into a picked one
    • release (alt or shift)
    • cursor changes into a pencil/rectangle
    • continue editing with a picked tile
  • I personally don't care about exporters, because I think that mobile apps and foremost games will gradually move away from closed infrastructure of app-stores into mobile browsers. But that's another story.

    C2 is the best tool I used so far for game development, but lacking such an important feature is more than strange.

  • newt

    Yes exactly, the path behavior with different interpolation options.

  • Sure, but I think it's more about prioritizing features.

  • Hello guys,

    I can't really understand that. There are new features like speech synthesis, but such a fundamental functionality like tween (parameter animation) is still missing. Of course there are some user developed behaviors like moveTo and LiteTween, but they are still limited in some aspects. I can do it with events and lerping, but this kind of setup can get heavy and not easy to use.

    Please, consider implementing this crucial functionality officially as a behaviour.

  • Hello fellas,

    It would be really usefull to be able to set different images for the particle object, something similar to frames in sprite. Right now, for each different image you have to clone a particle object, which could be very unflexible especially if you want to change parameters later.

  • A good plugin, could even animate the parameters. But I found a bug:

    tokencount(TagText,index,separator) doesn't return proper values.

    Is it possible to create tags on runtime? Example: for loop, which runs number of letters times and creates a separate tag with unique parameters for each letter.

  • Hello fellas,


    not sure if it is a bug, that's why I'm posting it here.

    There's something wrong with go to the layout in my game. It works but sometimes I get this error:

    Javascript error!

    TypeError: inst is undefined

    localhost/layout.js, line 422 (col undefined)

    This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer!

    In chrome it looks like this:

    Javascript error!

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property "type" of undefined

    localhost/layout.js, line 422 (col13)

    Please help!

  • Guys, this post will be helpful for you. There's a very good capx. example by R0J0hound:


  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. In Configuration Settings turn off "Fullscreen in browser"

    2. Set a different canvas size e.g. on Start of layout

    Observed result:

    Canvas size is not changed!

    Expected result:

    Canvas size changes

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win 7

    Construct 2 version:


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  • Cipriux

    Never done that before, but as far as I understand, the first thing you have to do is to check Google Docs API, if required js-calls are possible. I think it will not be a problem to make a js-call from construct, there's also a Browser object function Execute Javascript.

  • Too many shortcuts. Hitting Tab to cycle through them, would be more straight forward.

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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