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  • thank you!

  • rexrainbow

    firebase_timer plugin throws an undefined error on Timer.Remove action

  • True, it works, but something is missing. In order to get a local variable autocompleted, you have to specify an object first. Would be cool if it will start suggesting an object+variable after you started to type it.

    E.g. object "sprite" has a local variable "health". By typing "hea.." auto complete shows the option "sprite.health".

  • Hello there,

    Ashley - There's auto-complete for function and group names, but why is there no auto-complete for variables (global/local/object variables)?

  • R0J0hound

    Sometimes objects with chipmunk physics do not register standard overlapping/ on collision events. Actually they do not register most of the time. They tend to register standard collision only if collision impact is very strong (was moving at high speed). Is it a bug or a feature?

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  • по идее плагин должен более эффективно использовать ресурсы, чем ивенты С2, если он грамотно написан конечно. И здесь вопрос не в том, что самому ивенты писать или нет, а в удобстве использования и модулярности. Где ты видел чистый код в конструкторе?

  • mattb thanks for explantion

  • R0J0hound Is there a way to use multiple collision groups with one object? Let's say I want that object A does not collide with objects B and C but collide width D and F. In the chipmunk doc I found that it's possible to set multiple collision groups on one object, but in C2 plugin I can't find the way to achieve that.

  • I'm experiencing a weird behavior: if the object is moved by physics and it's size is tweened on top, the movement stops, than the tweening animation plays back, than movement continues.

    Looks like it's the issue with C2 physics, I tried animating it with another approach and get the same behavior.

    I tried using chipmunk physics by R0J0hound and it doesn't produce this behavior - nice!

  • Ah, I see

  • that will do as well, but my point was just to have a simple array functionality inside an instance of the object.

  • Depends, IMHO behavior is easier to use and more logical, because json objects belongs to the instance and is easily accessible that way.

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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