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  • I developed this game using Rex Rainbows demo and have made a few additions.

    I have hooked it up to a high score table, started with all red balls and put the next colours and put a random seed because I would like to make the game the same for players who enter the same seed.

    This works fine for the first go but the balls will be random on the second go. I think I need to fill an array with a seeded random number so entering a random seed eg X and then play seed all players will get the same sequence, then you can play yourself or others without the element of luck.

    Not done that yet, get round to it one of these days.

    I must say Rex Rainbows Chess Board plugins are very good, they really take the hard work out of making a board game

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  • This game is set at the Maunsell forts which is where Red Sands Radio gets its name from.

    I wrote the flying saucer game at the bottom right.

    (note the abductions)

  • this is fixed, it was the graphics driver

  • Entry Point Not Found

    The procedure entry point could not be located in OPENGL.dll

    I re installed, downgraded, installed without plugins but no joy <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    when I open C2 I just get this

    if anyone knows of a fix I would be grateful. Otherwise it seems like a rebuild (windows7)is required, oh yes and I reinstalled my NVIDIA GeForce GT 440

    Its been about a week now and i've got post traumatic stress disorder

  • The problem with free form coding is ERRORS, C2 guides you as you construct your code.

    I think it is a rapid development tool, I will have to learn keyboard shortcuts

  • Hi Folks,

    Crusty is a game I have made with C2. You can play it HEREand get the capx HEREhere. I would like to know why the google font only works when viewed from my computer. Its my second game but I have also been making navbars and other website furniture with this fantastic product. It took me years to learn flash but I can work faster and smarter with C2

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • I use MySQL a great deal with asp and javascript and it sounds like quite a lot of work, I have been looking at single stack javascript like wakanda. This would cut out the php and mysql and would make a great partner for C2

  • Thanks, that looks much better, i love physics

  • I am trying to remake a game I made in flash many years ago


    the capx is


    my problem is getting the bomb to bounce slowly as if viewed from a distance. I have tried gravity, friction, linear samping.

    the bomb drops at the slow speed but bounces like a superball.

    thanks for any advice

  • I got the new google nexus 7 and tried to play my Duckshooter game in chrome. The first thing I noticed was that two of the duck start to fly when they should be in a row, also no sound or music. I'm not saying its a bug but it works fine on a PC. Does html5 work on these devices or do I have to compile it for android? and can I do that with c2. The Nexus BTW is the best thing since sliced bread, but thinner.


  • Great game, I remember moon patrol, 10p a game in them days. Please make the high score tutorial, I am just posting the score with the browser object but there are a few problems with that method.

    Nice game thanks

  • This is my first C2 game, not as simple as it looks.

    There is a low score table because score=shots*seconds so the lower the better <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">


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Member since 8 May, 2012

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