I was thinking to make plugin for realtime.co, I saw it loads on window.onload event. But looks like either I have to inject in plugin or make dependency on some html file where it will load this.
Is "on start of layout" equivalent to window.onload or any guess ?
Have tried looking at exported html but couldn't find one.
What is the difficulty you are facing, I feel it is very easy placing files in folders.
Do you want to make subhost or subdomain for the each game ?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
create 2 vars in sprite and store x,y initial position in start of game, when needed use these vars to reposition.
Use click event and browser plugin to open links.
Lets discuss, please mail me more details at
Use "signal" / "Wait for signal" + game speed = 0, it will do the trick.
Though I have not used "signal"/"wait for signal", but I assume.
Write a wrapper in C2, it has option to check if device is running on android or IOS or etc..
Download this capx and see you will have clue.
http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tut ... edev-13815
Thanks piszozo for the review, you rock mate, next release will have animation and some tweaks.
Sandybee sent mail, please check.
Member since 4 May, 2012