2dchaos's Recent Forum Activity

  • But it?s getting better:


    I think there?s a lot of reasons to be optmistic: Chrome is now the default browser with Android 4.1, the new mobile safari seens to be fast as hell and with the Nexus 7 I think there will be a lot of new devices with fast processors in the low budget market.

  • +1 for the OnTweenEnd, thank you for the awesome plugin ;]

    This should be in the final release of C2

  • I?ve got this old habit from Photoshop to press alt when I?m resizing to try to resize from the middle(please, put this in the to-do list ;x).

    When I do this in C2 while resizing a sprite, it sometimes crashes C2.

    I can?t reproduce the bug, it happens ramdomly.


  • Well, that's the most fun I've ever had building a 404 page.

    Thanks for the grunt work; I left a link to this post in the HTML source code.


    Hahah, best 404 I?ve seen in a long time.

    The Comic Cans one made me laugh ;]

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey Kid4lynn, I?ve made a quick example to show you how to achieve angled shoots. ;] It?s in the end of the events made by Johnny. Press space to see it in effect.


  • From a newbie perspective, Construct 2 seens to be better fit right now to platform, topdown and casual games with psysichs. ;]

    Other genres are doable too, but I miss features like a simple database management and tilemaping like RPG Maker had.

    My main inspirations in game development now is Castlevania:SOTN, the exploration aspects of the Zelda games and the new waves of indie games like Limbo, Braid and Dear Esther, which focus in a more abstract narrative where things aren�t thrown up in the face of the player.

    JRPGs were cool, I miss titles like Chrono Trigger. ;]

  • You should make the JUMP button that appears on the beggining show that you�re supposed to press the space bar to build strenght on the jump ;]

    Other than that, maybe making the platforms a bit wider on the begining ;]

    Very cool game!

  • Thanks a lot for the example JohnnySix, helped me a lot.

    Maybe this could go to the FAQ ;]

  • Hahahah, awesome! ;] It?s great, congratulations to you and your son. (In my first game I did myself as the character too, after all it?s my game and I should be in it!;P)

    Spotted a little bug on the first vertical moving platform, when the platform is moving down it?s not possible to jump.

  • Out of curiosity, how did you make the character walk on inclined angles? ;]

  • Probably will run Jelly Bean+ when it�s launched.

    Does Chrome for Android support webgl? If it does the performance in the OUYA should not be a problem in the time of launch.

  • I?ve started using one for each type of object, just unlocking them when I need to select them.

    It keeps things very orderly, I can have a clear visualization of the Z position of each layer and I don?t misclick anything.

    The only thing that I miss are layer groups.

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