Yes, but ssl licences are getting more cheaper this days. The more demand the better i guess. The price anyway should be perfectly compensated with any income from the overall operation (or you are basically bankrupt).
Anyone see any future in MobiUs or whatever similar Ios browser for gaming? (i don't want to add more work to you but i have to ring you
Ashley about this one since you may now better)
I?ve found some cheap SSL licenses some time ago.
I?m interested in using facebook as a platform, but not for monetization. I?m more interested in using it to promote the mobile versions of my games and create interest in future titles. ;]
I?m just not seeing people investing real money in browser games and the mechanics of operating a virtual items store are far too complicated to me now. I?d rather invest my time making some cool game mechanics.
If some solution like proves itself simple enough and trustworthy enough, I?ll start to think about it.
I?ve personally not tested the MobiUs, care to share some impressions?