Do you have any plans to upgrade The Line of Sight For C3 or even C2?
Because at the moment is not possible to use it in all the projects even if I really try hard to make it work, this is one of the behaviors that I like most especially because you did a really good job in optimizing it but I'm having a really hard time to make it work in my current project, at last not without doing many extra workarounds Events checking Distances which hurt quite a lot the performance unnecessary just to check if is in the Range that I exactly need.
At the moment The Line of sight works by checking from Example the first object Origin points 0 to the next Object Origin point 0, this seems pretty unlogic for me as if I wanna make some Actions to happen when whichever object is in range of another object lets say (100 pixel Range) then unless all the objects have the same size this will not work as intended, this means if I have many different objects that regularly grow up or go down in size I will have to make events and actions just to keep adjusting the line of sights of each object just to have that is in range of 100 pixels for each object the same but even doing all this it doesn't work why? I will show you in some pictures at the end of this post so you can see what I mean, so this means that you cannot have, say is in 100 Range equal for all the objects if they have different sizes
What would be the best is to have both options the one that we have now which is checking from origin points 0 or a new option where includes checking from the (origin points 0+object size) so this way doesn't matter how big or small is the size of the objects still will detect at 100-pixel range accurately without any extra events or crazy setups, as I tried to replicate the line of sight by myself before posting this and I used checking by distances and it hurts really badly the Cpu
Let's take as example the same I wanna detect any object that is in Range of another object of 100 pixels Range do something
This is what happens to me all the time now
The Blue object detects the reed but it doesn't detect the Green-wich is fully smashing his body into him but no detection happens here is like a ghost that is pretty unlogic for me, and for the Green object the same detects the reed but not the Blue same story.
The Ideal and most Logic will be like this:
all tree objects are separated by 100 pixels distances and they are all detecting the one that has next to him.
Green detects Blue
Red detects blue
Blue detects both green and red
Do you think this will be Ever possible to implement? will save a lot of headaches, Time and performance as it will not require adding any extra events from our side, just by Adding one more option to the Line of sight so everyone can have the possibility to check or uncheck the option he needs either from (Origin point) or either from (Origin poin+size)