jbcreger2's Recent Forum Activity

  • I am a teacher developing games (Construct 2) for my math class and am wondering if there is a way to have the game email me the player name and score once they have finished the game?


  • I am a teacher in the process of programming some games in Construct 2 for my students to play on their classroom set of


    My question is what is the easiest output format/process so the games can be played on their IPads? Ideally, I'd like to host the games on a web server and provide a link to them in the LMS they use. This seems to suggest HTML5 (I think) but I would like the input of the experts who have gone through this process (output for play on IPads) before I jump in.

    Ideally, there would be some sort of tutorial that would guide a newbie through the process.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Have been doing a lot of research on finding a free (or low price) option for hosting my game files so they be played online.

    Any suggestions on options to host the files from an HTML project export?

    I assume that the HTML5 export is the best option to play the game both Windows or IOS.


  • I went into the folder where the game is and selected one of the ".js" files and selected properties and here is what I saw...


    Is this what you are referring to?

  • I was trying to test whether or not I could play a small game I created on an IPad by...

    1. Exporting the project to HTML5 (all of the settings "normal")

    2. Uploading to the server I use (Amazon S3)

    3. Trying to open the index.html file (tried first on my PC - not yet on IPad)

    All I get is a black screen.

    I have another html5 game that I created in Storyline and uploaded to the same server and it plays no problem. Tried to find a tutorial with all of the SPECIFIC steps to see if I could figure out what I was missing - no luck.

    Here is the link to the https://s3.amazonaws.com/construct2projects/PlatformTutorial/index.html file so maybe you could test on your computer to see if it works. Any input would be great!


  • Sorry... Here is the correct file...


    Thanks for the "heads up"!

  • Everything seems to work fine until I try to pull the animation frame corresponding to the "0" record (QNumber) value in the Question array. It starts at the correct frame but immediately cycles to the last frame.

    Here is a link to the file.


    Thank you in advance for your help!


    SORRY... Here is the correct file ... https://goo.gl/YytkUg

  • Thank you for the quick response - works fine for me as well at home in Firefox - it was IE at school that was giving me the issue.

  • I cannot figure out why, when I click the button, the layout goes to black.


    Thanks in advance for your help!


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  • I know this may be a simple question but not sure how I post my project files for people to look at with my issues?

  • Thanks for your response - right now I have the questions reading into the array as rows (each question/answer set is its own row). Is there any advantage (or disadvantage) in importing my questions so that each question/answer set is its own column as indicated in your example?

    Thanks again for your help!


  • I know I should post my file but have not gotten 300 reputation points so cannot post image or file however, I am stymied. I have my Q&A game done and working - questions randomize but I am now trying to randomize the answers i.e. appear in a different order than imported. I have tried different techniques such as using a temp array, loading numbers in randomly (between 1 and 4) and using it to load the answer choices but have not gotten that far - seems I get caught in an infinite loop and without the paid version, not sure where it is getting stuck.

    I am going to buy the personal license which will help debugging but wondering if there are any ideas and/or tutorials that someone can point me to (I have search a lot and have come up with shuffling arrays etc... but when I try to incorporate. still getting stuck). I will re-post with file once able but have been struggling for over a week and just looking for some direction.



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Member since 24 Nov, 2015

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