TechBoxNorth's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is litetween broken in the latest version of Construct2? I have a "game over" sign dropping down if all lives are lost and when the "play again" button is clicked/tapped on I want the sign to go back to its start position. The sign coming down works but I cant make it go back up again when play again is clicked.

    edit: Nevermind, got it working. Classic case of overthinking things

  • Sounds like some sort of comparison is called for. For example only allow the click when the object is under specific y coordinate (if the peeking happens upwards).

    Yes that seems tobe working

  • Use Is Layer X visible (or invisible)

    Already tried that, didn´t work

    I think the problem is the collision box that travels up and down with the object. I want the object to be touchable all the way down until he is hidden behind the front layer.

  • In my game I have a layer called "objects" and in front of it a layer called "front". Randomly there are objects "peeking" up on the "objects" layer and then they slide down again. While testing I discovered that the hidden objects can be tapped through the covering objects on the "front" layer. How do I get rid of this?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • when the player is dragged right to left animation for normal movement is set to be mirrored, but when a collision happens and the animation is changed it quickly flips over to not mirrored and then back again. Any ideas/tips on how to fix this?


    edit: Solved it, the collision is now checked twice. One for mirrored and one for not mirrored.

  • Went onto facebook and liked your page

  • Yes that helped, thanks! Here´s what I did:

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  • In my game the player sprite is moved by dragging it. How can I make it mirrored/not mirrored in one continuos dragmove? Tried with compare touchspeed but there seems to be no negative value on it: If touchspeed > 0 then set to not mirrored If touchspeed < 0 set to mirrored.

    Is there some way to compare player.X to player.prevousX ?


  • ok, got it now thanks guys

  • A rather lengthy text talking about cordova plugins... all I want is to remove the statusbar

  • I´m sure there´s something I´ve overlooked but I can´t find where to fix this.

    Some help would be nice

  • got it, thanks guys

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