Hello, very soon I'll post my first game in play store and I would like to ask some questions here.
I'm doing some tests with XDK and I have two questions.
In this video you can see how start a game that guess is made with another engine then you can see how starts a test using XDK crosswalk.
1 - In the video you can see the spash screen of cordoba (I think that can not be deleted).
In this fragment observed a strange flash, I want to eliminate that, It seems some sort of error at starting.
Can I correct this flash ?.
2 - Then you can see that, although I have activated the option of full screen, the application does not hide the time and the battery level up the game screen, is strange and I do not like.
Can I correct this?.
The first application running, which is not made with C2, works perfectly, so how can I get a similar behavior in my game ?.