I think you'l be proud of me.
I managed to set up an Attack routine that looks pretty well.
Here's how it runs :
- When Player and an enemy are in the same hex (ie that hex occupied = 2), game state is set to "attack"
- a layer is displayed. So far, it is just a button but it is meant to have a battle routine with action choice for Player (use weapon, use spell). Here, when button is clicked, Enemy is destroyed, ie Player wins.
- Then two things can happen :
- Player still has move points left, game resumes to map where reachable hexes are displayed ("show moves" state) --
- Player has no move points left (meaning has attacker in the last hex it has been able to reach OR attack has occurred after an Enemy move) then game resumes to Enemies actions ("move enemy" state).
Since you can't read C3 files, here's a screencap of the commented code :
Still a lot to do but all this is on the right tracks.