sleepingpanda's Recent Forum Activity

  • Fun characters, I like the cats chasing you after you pass them, perhaps let them 'surge' or run more quickly sometimes so when they are chasing they are a bit unpredictable. The double jump definitely needs to be nerfed, I started to lose any sense of a challenge, because I could always get out of any bad situation by using the double jump.

    Thanks a lot for your feedback, Mikal!

    Once a kitty chase you, I can add some randomness either to his speed, or also the possibility he jumps. Good idea.

    Yes, that's right about the double jump. I don't know yet how I'll fix this.

    I guess I have two solutions:

    • Nerf it, as you said;
    • Or disable it at start, and add it as a power-up. Likeso, once you collected it you can benefit of a double jump for a few seconds;

    I also really like the endless side scrollers an procedurally generating the areas and levels. One thing I saw in Dungeon Highway that was really good was that had 'named' areas, even though the majority was procedurally generated. These named areas with a semi-fixed configuration made it seem like you made it to a land mark. So in this case, perhaps the cat kingdom or cat throne, where there are a ton of cats surrounding logs with a 'king' cat on it, just use existing assets to make it and make it a little more challenging. Add a few more later (e.g. The Sinkholes which is littered with holes for a short time.) It can add a nice sense of discovery amongst the endless levels.

    I just came back from ski holidays (1 long week off actuallly), and I got some ideas about your suggestion.

    I don't know yet if I'll release this feature for the 1st version of the game, but here is a list of 5 different environments I thought about:

    • Forest (as it is now);
    • Grassland;
    • Jungle;
    • Mountain;
    • Volcano;

    I also like the earlier comments about using % instead of fixed parameters - this way even you can be surprised by what odd situations might come up on the levels.

    Do you have any examples or tutorials about using %? I don't really know where to start with this, and I'm very interested in trying it out.

    Hmm I played the game and like it so far! Good pixel art & music.

    The dino just need some decent cell animations, with some facial expressions on idle cycling and speeding up.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Thank you too for your feedback, Allen.

    The dino animations are in my to-do list.

    Everything regarding animations take me a lot of time so I currently prefer to focus on development itself now. But those animations are in a good way.

    Bike wheels are turning (as you can see earlier in this topic), and I'm already digging into the acceleration animation of the Dino. Without saying that I already draw tons of sketches about.

  • Hey, Constructors!

    I know you're probably busy trying the brand new beta of Construct 3 these days (and honestly, I'm enjoying it too ).

    But I have some interesting news about the game I'd like to share with you.

    I released alpha version 0.7.9 tonight.

    New features:

    • Added "=" & "+" characters to sprite font;
    • Added points animation to following actions: -> Collecting items; -> Killing enemies; -> Accelerating;
    • Hero lifes and steak numbers now flash while Hero got 10 steaks. Likeso Player visually understand he just got a 1/2 life back;
    • Added a coin song when Hero collects a steak;
    • Added a timer for Acceleration to be able to re-accelerate every 2s only;
    • Added an Acceleration Bar. Likeso Player knows when he can accelerate again;
    • Added a "Boost ready!" text below Acceleration Bar when Player plays for the 1st time;
    • Added a Thunder item (not yet playable);

    Fixed issues/bugs:

    • Login & Logout buttons only clickable when HUD menus are shown;
    • Player no longer get points by collecting steaks while he dies;
    • Infinite accelerating issue on Android;
    • When you got 10 steaks, you sometimes got a bonus points and another 10 points at the same time. You now just get that bonus points;
    • When you got 9 steaks, it sometimes resets to 0. It now does that only when you got 10 ones;
    • When you get a power-up for the 1st time, it's timeleft was set to 0s... It is now 10s as normal;
    • When you already got a power-up, if you collect another one you now get that new power-up instead, and reset back power-up timer to 10s;
    • A few other minor issues;

    So, those small changes already change a lot on the dynamic of the game. You may better understand when you win points or loose life now.

    The Acceleration bar gives you a visual status so you better understand when you can boost.

    If you have just 5 minutes, I'd love to get some feedbacks on those improvements.

    Remember, you can play directly here: - Hope you enjoy!

    And... What's next?

    • Create Thunder power-up logic:
    • Add Thunder object to PowerUps family;
    • Add a song when you collect following items: -> Clock; -> Thunder;
    • Add several song effects;
    • Update Help section with new features;
    • Finish Hero animations design;
    • Animate Hero;
    • Implement leaderboard screen;
    • Implement Facebook login logic;

    See you next weeks for weekly update

  • Looks awesome! I really like all the design atmosphere. Looking forward the release! :O

  • Amazing trailer! I'm very in love with those pixel art graphics.

    It's nice to see indie games like this. And it's even more nice to see you still use C2. It'd not be possible without the great work of Scirra.

    Well, demo just finished download.

    Let's give it a try!

    P.S.: May I suggest you to update the first post of your topic with those Steam & Kickstarter link? It'll be easier for people to find them directly instead of looking at each pages (it was my case :p).

  • Hey, guys!

    I updated the alpha to version 0.7.7:

    If you want to play directly on your phone:

    Here is what I've fixed & done:

    • Added Ajax object;
    • Added Ajax action "Post to URL" to POST Player's Highscore - Now, I need to avoid duplicates;
    • Modified Create logic to something more dynamic, and less boring;
    • Stop using local server for leadeboard;
    • Start using Facebook services;
    • Added Bikosaur FB Test API Key;
    • Player can login & logout;
    • Added more randomness to Power-ups. Appear at Lvl 5 once HeroBlock = 2;
    • Added UserIDStr (from FB API) column to database;
    • Added Login & Logout buttons design;
    • Removed unused Admobs plugin;
    • Added button labels to Login & Logout;
    • Added logic to Login/Logout, and Leaderboard buttons;

    I'm now working on the Facebook leaderboard implementation.

    You won't be able to login for now, as I use a Test version of the game from Facebook API. I'm currently setting up things to POST scores on my database, and GET them to show a leaderboard. Quite a challenge!

    Talk to you soon!

  • Hey, guys!

    Some updates. ??


    Some progress on Dinosaur animation

    I made bike animation with about 12 images:

    Now, it's time to give some fancy movements to our Dinosaur. ??

    About the game

    As of 02/03/2017, I updated game to version 0.7.3.

    Here is a brief list of what I've fixed & done:

    • Fixed Apple sprite issue – 2nd Apple sprite was not appearing for some reason;
    • Fixed some infinite loop events with "Trigger once" events;
    • Reduced Dinosaur height from 240px to 200px;
    • Changed Keyboard controls. Use Right Arrow key (instead of Spacebar previously) to accelerate;
    • Improved HUD for Desktop computers:
    • No more buttons if device is not Touch compatible;
    • Added some keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate between HUD screens;
    • It is now possible to mute/unmute game music, or both music & sound effects;
    • Added some another sound effects.

    You can still play it on Scirra Arcade.

    And I also put a direct link so you can play it directly on your mobile or tablet:

    Have fun guys!

    And again, thanks for playing & your help! ????

  • Hey, guys!

    I published a small update last Wednesday evening.

    Here are what I changed in version 0.7.1:

    • Dinosaur jump height reduced from 800 to 600;
    • 50% less steaks until difficulty 8, which means a score > 7.000;
    • "Press anything to start" text on Start screen is now flashing.

    Small changes, but reducing the jump height is a good idea from you, guys. Game is more challenging, and double jump has now a sense while approaching bigger holes, or for avoiding obstacles and kitties at the same time.

    My first though was that the jump feels heavy and I don't think the double jump is a good thing, it makes the game too simple. Or maybe it can be a bonus to collect ?

    Yeah, that's right! Double jump could be a bonus once you reach a specific amount of points. Good idea!

    [quote:m8yzm0fw]I'm doing this in my game and I think it helps a lot : ... k-duration

    Thanks for the tutorial link. That's also a very good idea. A lot of games already use that logic, and the behavior is more and more intuitive to players. So, it's worth using it. The solution looks quite easy to implement, so I will give it a try for next updates.

    [quote:m8yzm0fw]Are you gonna do something with the apple as well? I though they were obstacle or object to collect.

    Yeah, sure! As said above, I'm gonna rework the design of apples and leafs on the floor. I will remove black borders of anything related to background stuff.

    Yesterday evening, I got an idea. I'm working on a apple sprite where it could be possible to destroy them. If you just ride against one, apple is ejected. If you fall on an apple, it explodes. Just a fancy visual idea. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    [quote:m8yzm0fw]Also I'm not sure about the utility of the speed boost button. I don't see a reason to use it yet. Or maybe I didn't go far enough ?(thinking about the holes)

    How far did you go?

    Did you already met Red & Dark Grey kitties? They both can follow you. The Red one can be passed away by using the boost. The Dark Grey one can also boost when you boost, so you need to kill him.

    It's definitely a way worth following.

    Graphics is good and the animation of cats allows to believe that the dinosaur's animation also will be great <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Ha ha, thank you! It's very motivating!

    Well, for now, I made the bike riding animation. I will post the gif later. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    [quote:m8yzm0fw]I think you should make the size of the dinosaur smaller as said above and instead of making jump height less I would consider adjusting gravity first and then make double jump a little bit lower.

    Yes, I'm considering it. Really.

    I'm currently doing some test on reducing dinosaur's size. I think I will go for something like 20% less.


    It's not clear that you can destroy cats by jumping on them. I discovered this opportunity by accident when I was in this part of holes and cats running the same direction as dinosaur.

    You're right. I don't know what to do about that.

    I thought about adding some quick tips while playing for the 1st time. For now, there is a help section when you Pause the game but, yeah, I guess people doesn't really Pause the game at first to look for help unless they just died...

    [quote:m8yzm0fw]Maybe you should try to design some obstacles where it would be necessary and obvious to use speed up button because at this moment it seems needless. You've chosen quite difficult way of gameplay design. Usually in this type of game you have one button for jump/double jump and the second one for attack or slide down under some obstacle - such design makes it easier to achieve more challenging and diversified entertainment. But not everyone has to make it in this way and maybe you'll achieve good level of fun and engagement with your desing. Good luck! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Thanks a lot! Very motivating!

    Yes, I realize how complicated I made my developer life with those decisions...

    Thanks for the link, a lot of good stuff there!

    You're welcome! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">


    I like the "level" approach to random generation, I used a similar version in a game I made. One idea for Bikosaur might be to change the probability of having the things appear, like instead of:

    Lvl 2 - 101 >= 400

    Obstacles: Y - Every 2 blocks.

    Enemies: N

    Holes: N

    It would be like:

    Lvl 2 - 101 >= 400

    Obstacles: 50%

    Enemies: 10%

    Holes: 1%

    Lvl 3 - 401 >= 1000

    Obstacles: 5%

    Enemies: 50%

    Holes: 5%

    In that way its possible to get a similarity control of the changes in the level, but it will also feel a little more unpredictable. And you can rise the probability of holes the more you progress, instead of just having it holes / no holes.

    This approach might generate impossible levels, like holes + obsticles + enemies. So another approach might be to have static parts like now (mostly enemies, mostly holes, mostly obstacles ), but have hard and easy versions of the part which have a higher probability to show up the more you progress. I'm not sure if its clear...? Anyway, its interesting with different ways to generate levels <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Well, to be honest with you I didn't think about % use. I think I'm gonna add it to my to do list as well because it could generate such interesting situations.

    [quote:m8yzm0fw]Yes, I really like the new Rayman games! I would say that they have among the best visuals in game play collisions (...?) or how to say it. Theres a lot of cool visuals, which also fits into the game play, I think <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> I have not played the new Donkey Kong Country games, but they are definitely on the to play list.

    Most of the times when I make games, its in a short time, like game jams, so I usually don't get to spend the extra time on details in the graphics. But I will try to think about a way to add more of details in new projects, because it makes a lot of difference <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Yeah, Rayman is epic for me regarding its graphics. When you have time, give a try to Donkey Kong Returns. If you can, do it with a 2nd player, it adds sooo much fun!

    I have never done a game jam for now, but I plan to do so. Working in such time should be amazing because you have to focus on what matter the most: delivering. Ha ha. I spent too much time on too small details sometimes. It would be such good help for considering what matter the most, finally: get things done! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    Well, again and again, guys. I'd like to thank you all for your feedbacks.

    6 months of work for now (around 2h to 6h per week - because I do it aside my daily work), and it feels good because I don't feel so alone doing my stuff now.

    I will post some updates soon. <3

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  • Nice background and music

    Thanks, mate!

    Be sure to check LaffeTheFox's Soundcloud page. He has tons of other fun chiptunes around here.

    He is working on his 2nd album at the moment.

    How does the level random generation work? Because its feels like holes are a lot more dangerous then the cats and stones are. Maybe add more holes, make the cats more dangerous or make holes less dangerous (by respawn the player with fewer hearts)?

    Well, I've set different difficulty levels depending on score amount.

    Here is the actual logic (as of version 0.6.9):

    Block = A pixel area. Actually, 80 * 12 = 960 pixels, in the following logic. Where 80 pixels is kind of my sprite Grid. Each sprites are based on that.

    N = Nope

    Y = Yep

    Lvl 1 - 0 >= 100

    Obstacles: N

    Ennemies: N

    Holes: N

    Lvl 2 - 101 >= 400

    Obstacles: Y - Every 2 blocks.

    Ennemies: N

    Holes: N

    Lvl 3 - 401 >= 1000

    Obstacles: N

    Ennemies: Y - White and Brown, every 2 blocks.

    Holes: N

    Lvl 4 - 1001 >= 2000

    Obstacles: N

    Ennemies: N

    Holes: Y

    Lvl 5 - 2001 >= 3000

    Obstacles: N

    Ennemies: Y - Yellow and Red, every 3 blocks.

    Holes: N

    Lvl 6 - 3001 >= 4000

    Obstacles: Y - Every 2 blocks.

    Ennemies: Y - White and Brown, every 4 blocks.

    Holes: N

    Lvl 7 - 4001 >= 5500

    Obstacles: N

    Ennemies: Y - White and Brown, every 3 blocks.

    Holes: Y

    Lvl 8 - 5501 >= 7000

    Obstacles: Y - Every 2 blocks.

    Ennemies: Y - Yellow and Red, every 4 blocks.

    Holes: N

    Lvl 9 - 7001 >= 8500

    Obstacles: N

    Ennemies: Y - Yellow and Red, every 2 blocks.

    Holes: Y

    Lvl 10 - 8500 >= 10000

    Obstacles: Y - Every 2 blocks.

    Ennemies: Y - White, Brown, Yellow and Red, every 4 blocks.

    Holes: Y

    Lvl 11 - < 10000

    Obstacles: Y - Every 2 blocks.

    Ennemies: Y - White ad Brown, every 2 blocks & Yellow and Red, every 3 blocks.

    Holes: Y

    This is just a copy of cheatsheet notes I keep updated following game development.

    I wasn't sure about the difficulty of holes. I was afraid: "Is this too difficult?", "Too easy?" - That's why I kept it as it is now.

    But, yeah, definitely! The respawn thing could be fun. A close friend already gave me a nice design concept about, that I plan for a future version. And why not for its first release as well.

    I also like the details of fruits on the floor and leaves in in the top

    Thanks! I took those design ideas from Rayman series, and Donkey Kong.

    Tons of impressive parallax & background effects to inspire you.

  • Haha, yeah! I was such a huge fan of Cool Boarders game. From 2nd to 4th version.

    Yep, do it! And maybe I go too crazy here, but imagine how fun could be a backflip no hander! 🤓 God, yes! 😝

  • Graphics and parallax is good. Jump is too high.

    And it's unclear which sprites are obstacles nd which are collectibles.

    Thanks! I spent a lot of time working on the design.

    Probably too much, haha... ??

    Yes, this feedback comes often. I think I should definetly do something about that unclear obstacles.

    I guess I will try something different for the design. Like everything related to background stuff won't get any borders at all. And keep everything that you can collide with with black borders.

    The pixel art is very beautiful, lacking even a dinosaur animation, as well as reducing its size by 20% or 30%, in addition to reducing the height of the jump.

    Yes, I'm working on some animations for the dinosaur. Actually, I already made bycicle animations. I did it with 12 frames.

    I'm now working on the dinosaur animations. Which take me a lot of time. But I will update it asap, and share it with you as well.

    For jump, you're right also. I gave it a try, and by reducing it by 200 less the game is still playable and maybe more challenging. But still not that difficult.

    For dinosaur size, I also get tons of feedbacks about that. I plan to reduce it from 240 to 200. I will reduce the hit box, also. Maybe I will have to put kitties a little smaller too.

    Well, I will update the Alpha soon, and let you know.

    Thanks a lot for your help. Much appreciated, guys! Hope you had some fun with it.

  • Genius! I was looking for a similar effect for my game, Bikosaur, to produce a speed effect while the player is moving faster for a few seconds.

    I see you also use Photoshop, and its Animation Timeline. I love it too. Being able to preview your animation in realtime is so useful.

    Thanks for sharing this tip. ??

  • No feedbacks? 😢 I'm very open to any suggestions. 😉

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