Gigatron's Recent Forum Activity

  • Here is an understandable by everyone road example based on tiledbg...

    Precision is expected to make something playable.. This mean ground id fake just for visual;

    If someone draw nice objects ......

    .capx + mirror fx inside... will finish this soon ;

  • Sure i must just look the code ...

    I quickly made another fx called To White... alpha channel is not ignored this mean

    you can apply this fx to sprite contain transparent area around the sprite .. so let's see live demo and

    transparent area with slider;

    Parameter : White factor 0 to 1 max value

    To White;// not usefull now but ...

    To any rgb Color :

  • Sure i will do that quickly... be patient ... maybe this night...

  • iyenal222

    Happy to have helped you. I love to help people ...

    Human brain have no limit ... The limit is himself.

  • I am busy with 2D road system but i ve done a little game playable hope on mobile...

    Basic 2D teleported to Scirra Arcade, let's play please ...

    I am working on a basic version understandable by every one with this game... so i will publish .capx soon;

    Many shaders used here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">... Music by MAF464 ;

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  • iyenal222

    Hope it's now converted ...

    After this easy to convert to C2


  • iyenal222

    Can you PM me with the original code... please ?

    go to

    create new effect and paste entire code here to test it:

    if you define precision like this ; precision mediump float; or precision highp float; or precision lowp float;

    no need to declare variable like that :


    lowp vec4 tmpvar_1;

    highp float val_2;

    highp float noisePos_3;

    highp vec4 color_4;


    remove precision attribute ;

    to ;

    vec4 tmpvar_1;

    float val_2;

    float noisePos_3;

    vec4 color_4;

    And if the platform is IOS you must declare variables correctly like that :

    vec4 tmpvar_1 = vec4 (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

    float val_2 =0.0;

    float noisePos_3 = 0.0;

    vec4 color_4 = vec4 (1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0); //

    etc .....

    #ifdef GL_ES
    precision mediump float;
    #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
    uniform float time;
    uniform vec2 mouse;
    uniform vec2 resolution;
      float seconds=0.96;
      float _Speed=2.;
      float _Size=2.;
      float _Skew=1.0;
      float _Shear=0.0;
      float _Fade=2.0;
      float _Contrast=2.0;
        void main ()
          vec2 vTex = 2.*gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution.xy;
          vec4 _Color1;
          vec4 _Color2;
          _Color1 = vec4(0.100000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000);
          _Color2 = vec4(0.000000,0.460000,1.000000,0.000000);
          lowp vec4 tmpvar_1;
          highp float val_2;
          highp float noisePos_3;
          highp vec4 color_4;
          mediump float tmpvar_5;
          tmpvar_5 = (1.0 - vTex.y);
          highp vec4 tmpvar_6;
          tmpvar_6 = mix (_Color1, _Color2, vec4(tmpvar_5));
          color_4 = tmpvar_6;
          mediump float tmpvar_7;
          tmpvar_7 = vTex.x;
          noisePos_3 = tmpvar_7;
          noisePos_3 += -0.5;
          noisePos_3 = (noisePos_3 * _Size);
          noisePos_3 = (noisePos_3 + (tmpvar_5 * (_Size * _Skew)));
          noisePos_3 = (noisePos_3 * (1.0/(mix (1.0, _Shear, tmpvar_5))));
          highp vec2 tmpvar_8;
          tmpvar_8.x = noisePos_3;
          tmpvar_8.y = (time * _Speed);
          highp vec2 P_9;
          P_9 = tmpvar_8;
          highp vec4 gx_10;
          highp float tmpvar_11;
          tmpvar_11 = (float(mod (floor((tmpvar_8.y / 1000.0)), 2.0)));
          if ((tmpvar_11 == 0.0)) {
            P_9.y = (tmpvar_8.y - (floor(
              (tmpvar_8.y / 1000.0)
            ) * 1000.0));
          } else {
            P_9.y = (P_9.y - (floor(
              (P_9.y / 1000.0)
            ) * 1000.0));
            P_9.y = (1000.0 - P_9.y);
          highp vec4 tmpvar_12;
          tmpvar_12 = (floor(P_9.xyxy) + vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
          highp vec4 tmpvar_13;
          tmpvar_13 = (fract(P_9.xyxy) - vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
          highp vec4 tmpvar_14;
          tmpvar_14 = tmpvar_13.xzxz;
          highp vec4 tmpvar_15;
          tmpvar_15 = tmpvar_13.yyww;
          highp vec4 tmpvar_16;
          tmpvar_16 = (((34.0 *
            (tmpvar_12.xzxz * tmpvar_12.xzxz)
          ) + tmpvar_12.xzxz) / vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
          highp vec4 tmpvar_17;
          tmpvar_17 = (fract(abs(tmpvar_16)) * vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
          highp float tmpvar_18;
          if ((tmpvar_16.x >= 0.0)) {
            tmpvar_18 = tmpvar_17.x;
          } else {
            tmpvar_18 = -(tmpvar_17.x);
          highp float tmpvar_19;
          if ((tmpvar_16.y >= 0.0)) {
            tmpvar_19 = tmpvar_17.y;
          } else {
            tmpvar_19 = -(tmpvar_17.y);
          highp float tmpvar_20;
          if ((tmpvar_16.z >= 0.0)) {
            tmpvar_20 = tmpvar_17.z;
          } else {
            tmpvar_20 = -(tmpvar_17.z);
          highp float tmpvar_21;
          if ((tmpvar_16.w >= 0.0)) {
            tmpvar_21 = tmpvar_17.w;
          } else {
            tmpvar_21 = -(tmpvar_17.w);
          highp vec4 tmpvar_22;
          tmpvar_22.x = tmpvar_18;
          tmpvar_22.y = tmpvar_19;
          tmpvar_22.z = tmpvar_20;
          tmpvar_22.w = tmpvar_21;
          highp vec4 x_23;
          x_23 = (tmpvar_22 + tmpvar_12.yyww);
          highp vec4 tmpvar_24;
          tmpvar_24 = (((34.0 *
            (x_23 * x_23)
          ) + x_23) / vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
          highp vec4 tmpvar_25;
          tmpvar_25 = (fract(abs(tmpvar_24)) * vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
          highp float tmpvar_26;
          if ((tmpvar_24.x >= 0.0)) {
            tmpvar_26 = tmpvar_25.x;
          } else {
            tmpvar_26 = -(tmpvar_25.x);
          highp float tmpvar_27;
          if ((tmpvar_24.y >= 0.0)) {
            tmpvar_27 = tmpvar_25.y;
          } else {
            tmpvar_27 = -(tmpvar_25.y);
          highp float tmpvar_28;
          if ((tmpvar_24.z >= 0.0)) {
            tmpvar_28 = tmpvar_25.z;
          } else {
            tmpvar_28 = -(tmpvar_25.z);
          highp float tmpvar_29;
          if ((tmpvar_24.w >= 0.0)) {
            tmpvar_29 = tmpvar_25.w;
          } else {
            tmpvar_29 = -(tmpvar_25.w);
          highp vec4 tmpvar_30;
          tmpvar_30.x = tmpvar_26;
          tmpvar_30.y = tmpvar_27;
          tmpvar_30.z = tmpvar_28;
          tmpvar_30.w = tmpvar_29;
          highp vec4 tmpvar_31;
          tmpvar_31 = ((fract(
            (tmpvar_30 / 41.0)
          ) * 2.0) - 1.0);
          highp vec4 tmpvar_32;
          tmpvar_32 = (abs(tmpvar_31) - 0.5);
          gx_10 = (tmpvar_31 - floor((tmpvar_31 + 0.5)));
          highp vec2 tmpvar_33;
          tmpvar_33.x = gx_10.x;
          tmpvar_33.y = tmpvar_32.x;
          highp vec2 tmpvar_34;
          tmpvar_34.x = gx_10.y;
          tmpvar_34.y = tmpvar_32.y;
          highp vec2 tmpvar_35;
          tmpvar_35.x = gx_10.z;
          tmpvar_35.y = tmpvar_32.z;
          highp vec2 tmpvar_36;
          tmpvar_36.x = gx_10.w;
          tmpvar_36.y = tmpvar_32.w;
          highp vec4 tmpvar_37;
          tmpvar_37.x = dot (tmpvar_33, tmpvar_33);
          tmpvar_37.y = dot (tmpvar_35, tmpvar_35);
          tmpvar_37.z = dot (tmpvar_34, tmpvar_34);
          tmpvar_37.w = dot (tmpvar_36, tmpvar_36);
          highp vec4 tmpvar_38;
          tmpvar_38 = (1.792843 - (0.8537347 * tmpvar_37));
          highp vec2 tmpvar_39;
          tmpvar_39.x = tmpvar_14.x;
          tmpvar_39.y = tmpvar_15.x;
          highp vec2 tmpvar_40;
          tmpvar_40.x = tmpvar_14.y;
          tmpvar_40.y = tmpvar_15.y;
          highp vec2 tmpvar_41;
          tmpvar_41.x = tmpvar_14.z;
          tmpvar_41.y = tmpvar_15.z;
          highp vec2 tmpvar_42;
          tmpvar_42.x = tmpvar_14.w;
          tmpvar_42.y = tmpvar_15.w;
          highp vec2 tmpvar_43;
          tmpvar_43 = (((6.0 *
            pow (tmpvar_13.xy, vec2(5.0, 5.0))
          ) - (15.0 *
            pow (tmpvar_13.xy, vec2(4.0, 4.0))
          )) + (10.0 * pow (tmpvar_13.xy, vec2(3.0, 3.0))));
          highp vec2 tmpvar_44;
          tmpvar_44.x = dot ((tmpvar_33 * tmpvar_38.x), tmpvar_39);
          tmpvar_44.y = dot ((tmpvar_35 * tmpvar_38.y), tmpvar_41);
          highp vec2 tmpvar_45;
          tmpvar_45.x = dot ((tmpvar_34 * tmpvar_38.z), tmpvar_40);
          tmpvar_45.y = dot ((tmpvar_36 * tmpvar_38.w), tmpvar_42);
          highp vec2 tmpvar_46;
          tmpvar_46 = mix (tmpvar_44, tmpvar_45, tmpvar_43.xx);
          val_2 = ((_Contrast * (
            (((2.3 * mix (tmpvar_46.x, tmpvar_46.y, tmpvar_43.y)) / 2.0) + 0.5)
           - 0.5)) + 0.5);
          color_4.y = (tmpvar_6.w * mix (val_2, (val_2 * vTex.y), _Fade));
          tmpvar_1 = color_4;
          gl_FragColor = tmpvar_1;
  • matriax

    I understand what 9patch do now : when you set all margins value to 1 you have the original sprite,

    in this case i see it's streching corners to mask the edge... so in glsl i ve done something similar ;

    Sure you will find something wrong <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    quickly :

  • delgado


    Glsl road mixed with sprites.... sure this year i will finish 2d road system ...

  • matriax


    Gigatron is possible with the actual shaders in C2 ?

    I don't really know what 9 Patch do ....

    I like images pictures for goal ... my english is not good you know ; so what exactly you want ?


  • Just answered by pm.... the resolution of C2 project must be equal to resolution of eg: 640x480 i have tested it and it's works.

  • Follder22

    Sorry Rex video plugin is missing in .capx;

    I will upload it tomorrow night..

    It's ok now ;

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Member since 8 Jan, 2012

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