Can you PM me with the original code... please ?
go to glslsandbox.com
create new effect and paste entire code here to test it:
if you define precision like this ; precision mediump float; or precision highp float; or precision lowp float;
no need to declare variable like that :
lowp vec4 tmpvar_1;
highp float val_2;
highp float noisePos_3;
highp vec4 color_4;
remove precision attribute ;
to ;
vec4 tmpvar_1;
float val_2;
float noisePos_3;
vec4 color_4;
And if the platform is IOS you must declare variables correctly like that :
vec4 tmpvar_1 = vec4 (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
float val_2 =0.0;
float noisePos_3 = 0.0;
vec4 color_4 = vec4 (1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0); //
etc .....
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 mouse;
uniform vec2 resolution;
float seconds=0.96;
float _Speed=2.;
float _Size=2.;
float _Skew=1.0;
float _Shear=0.0;
float _Fade=2.0;
float _Contrast=2.0;
void main ()
vec2 vTex = 2.*gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution.xy;
vec4 _Color1;
vec4 _Color2;
_Color1 = vec4(0.100000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000);
_Color2 = vec4(0.000000,0.460000,1.000000,0.000000);
lowp vec4 tmpvar_1;
highp float val_2;
highp float noisePos_3;
highp vec4 color_4;
mediump float tmpvar_5;
tmpvar_5 = (1.0 - vTex.y);
highp vec4 tmpvar_6;
tmpvar_6 = mix (_Color1, _Color2, vec4(tmpvar_5));
color_4 = tmpvar_6;
mediump float tmpvar_7;
tmpvar_7 = vTex.x;
noisePos_3 = tmpvar_7;
noisePos_3 += -0.5;
noisePos_3 = (noisePos_3 * _Size);
noisePos_3 = (noisePos_3 + (tmpvar_5 * (_Size * _Skew)));
noisePos_3 = (noisePos_3 * (1.0/(mix (1.0, _Shear, tmpvar_5))));
highp vec2 tmpvar_8;
tmpvar_8.x = noisePos_3;
tmpvar_8.y = (time * _Speed);
highp vec2 P_9;
P_9 = tmpvar_8;
highp vec4 gx_10;
highp float tmpvar_11;
tmpvar_11 = (float(mod (floor((tmpvar_8.y / 1000.0)), 2.0)));
if ((tmpvar_11 == 0.0)) {
P_9.y = (tmpvar_8.y - (floor(
(tmpvar_8.y / 1000.0)
) * 1000.0));
} else {
P_9.y = (P_9.y - (floor(
(P_9.y / 1000.0)
) * 1000.0));
P_9.y = (1000.0 - P_9.y);
highp vec4 tmpvar_12;
tmpvar_12 = (floor(P_9.xyxy) + vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
highp vec4 tmpvar_13;
tmpvar_13 = (fract(P_9.xyxy) - vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
highp vec4 tmpvar_14;
tmpvar_14 = tmpvar_13.xzxz;
highp vec4 tmpvar_15;
tmpvar_15 = tmpvar_13.yyww;
highp vec4 tmpvar_16;
tmpvar_16 = (((34.0 *
(tmpvar_12.xzxz * tmpvar_12.xzxz)
) + tmpvar_12.xzxz) / vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
highp vec4 tmpvar_17;
tmpvar_17 = (fract(abs(tmpvar_16)) * vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
highp float tmpvar_18;
if ((tmpvar_16.x >= 0.0)) {
tmpvar_18 = tmpvar_17.x;
} else {
tmpvar_18 = -(tmpvar_17.x);
highp float tmpvar_19;
if ((tmpvar_16.y >= 0.0)) {
tmpvar_19 = tmpvar_17.y;
} else {
tmpvar_19 = -(tmpvar_17.y);
highp float tmpvar_20;
if ((tmpvar_16.z >= 0.0)) {
tmpvar_20 = tmpvar_17.z;
} else {
tmpvar_20 = -(tmpvar_17.z);
highp float tmpvar_21;
if ((tmpvar_16.w >= 0.0)) {
tmpvar_21 = tmpvar_17.w;
} else {
tmpvar_21 = -(tmpvar_17.w);
highp vec4 tmpvar_22;
tmpvar_22.x = tmpvar_18;
tmpvar_22.y = tmpvar_19;
tmpvar_22.z = tmpvar_20;
tmpvar_22.w = tmpvar_21;
highp vec4 x_23;
x_23 = (tmpvar_22 + tmpvar_12.yyww);
highp vec4 tmpvar_24;
tmpvar_24 = (((34.0 *
(x_23 * x_23)
) + x_23) / vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
highp vec4 tmpvar_25;
tmpvar_25 = (fract(abs(tmpvar_24)) * vec4(289.0, 289.0, 289.0, 289.0));
highp float tmpvar_26;
if ((tmpvar_24.x >= 0.0)) {
tmpvar_26 = tmpvar_25.x;
} else {
tmpvar_26 = -(tmpvar_25.x);
highp float tmpvar_27;
if ((tmpvar_24.y >= 0.0)) {
tmpvar_27 = tmpvar_25.y;
} else {
tmpvar_27 = -(tmpvar_25.y);
highp float tmpvar_28;
if ((tmpvar_24.z >= 0.0)) {
tmpvar_28 = tmpvar_25.z;
} else {
tmpvar_28 = -(tmpvar_25.z);
highp float tmpvar_29;
if ((tmpvar_24.w >= 0.0)) {
tmpvar_29 = tmpvar_25.w;
} else {
tmpvar_29 = -(tmpvar_25.w);
highp vec4 tmpvar_30;
tmpvar_30.x = tmpvar_26;
tmpvar_30.y = tmpvar_27;
tmpvar_30.z = tmpvar_28;
tmpvar_30.w = tmpvar_29;
highp vec4 tmpvar_31;
tmpvar_31 = ((fract(
(tmpvar_30 / 41.0)
) * 2.0) - 1.0);
highp vec4 tmpvar_32;
tmpvar_32 = (abs(tmpvar_31) - 0.5);
gx_10 = (tmpvar_31 - floor((tmpvar_31 + 0.5)));
highp vec2 tmpvar_33;
tmpvar_33.x = gx_10.x;
tmpvar_33.y = tmpvar_32.x;
highp vec2 tmpvar_34;
tmpvar_34.x = gx_10.y;
tmpvar_34.y = tmpvar_32.y;
highp vec2 tmpvar_35;
tmpvar_35.x = gx_10.z;
tmpvar_35.y = tmpvar_32.z;
highp vec2 tmpvar_36;
tmpvar_36.x = gx_10.w;
tmpvar_36.y = tmpvar_32.w;
highp vec4 tmpvar_37;
tmpvar_37.x = dot (tmpvar_33, tmpvar_33);
tmpvar_37.y = dot (tmpvar_35, tmpvar_35);
tmpvar_37.z = dot (tmpvar_34, tmpvar_34);
tmpvar_37.w = dot (tmpvar_36, tmpvar_36);
highp vec4 tmpvar_38;
tmpvar_38 = (1.792843 - (0.8537347 * tmpvar_37));
highp vec2 tmpvar_39;
tmpvar_39.x = tmpvar_14.x;
tmpvar_39.y = tmpvar_15.x;
highp vec2 tmpvar_40;
tmpvar_40.x = tmpvar_14.y;
tmpvar_40.y = tmpvar_15.y;
highp vec2 tmpvar_41;
tmpvar_41.x = tmpvar_14.z;
tmpvar_41.y = tmpvar_15.z;
highp vec2 tmpvar_42;
tmpvar_42.x = tmpvar_14.w;
tmpvar_42.y = tmpvar_15.w;
highp vec2 tmpvar_43;
tmpvar_43 = (((6.0 *
pow (tmpvar_13.xy, vec2(5.0, 5.0))
) - (15.0 *
pow (tmpvar_13.xy, vec2(4.0, 4.0))
)) + (10.0 * pow (tmpvar_13.xy, vec2(3.0, 3.0))));
highp vec2 tmpvar_44;
tmpvar_44.x = dot ((tmpvar_33 * tmpvar_38.x), tmpvar_39);
tmpvar_44.y = dot ((tmpvar_35 * tmpvar_38.y), tmpvar_41);
highp vec2 tmpvar_45;
tmpvar_45.x = dot ((tmpvar_34 * tmpvar_38.z), tmpvar_40);
tmpvar_45.y = dot ((tmpvar_36 * tmpvar_38.w), tmpvar_42);
highp vec2 tmpvar_46;
tmpvar_46 = mix (tmpvar_44, tmpvar_45, tmpvar_43.xx);
val_2 = ((_Contrast * (
(((2.3 * mix (tmpvar_46.x, tmpvar_46.y, tmpvar_43.y)) / 2.0) + 0.5)
- 0.5)) + 0.5);
color_4.y = (tmpvar_6.w * mix (val_2, (val_2 * vTex.y), _Fade));
tmpvar_1 = color_4;
gl_FragColor = tmpvar_1;