Jase00's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ashley , I reached out to haypers and have been working with them for a couple of hours today, and I have found how to reliably reproduce this bug on my login.

    I think there's a bug either in the field mapping either when creating a keystore, or when entering the key and keystore passwords, as I can get a consistent "Bad password" error now.

    With the same project, same details, but the ONLY difference being the failed build uses two different passwords, and the successful build using the same password for both the keystore and key.

    Screenshot below. Left is the successful keystore, the right is the failed one (including me typing the password to rule out me typing this incorrectly).

  • Heya,

    I ran through doing these steps and it was working for me - I made a blank project (gave it the basic details and such) and then made a signed release APK, new keystore and everything.

    Build completes fine.

    Very unusual that you are getting this.

  • Oh, amazing! Much appreciated, Ashley . Very motivating! I don't expect myself to always correctly estimate the workload behind a suggestion, but it'll educate me too if you do reject/move the suggestion. Lets see how this goes!

    dop2000 Thanks! I'm glad there's someone else that feels similarly!

    mOOnpunk, perhaps it depends on each individuals usage of C3.

    Personally for me, I like seeing editor improvements (especially for the Event Sheet View) and performance improvements.

    Plugins can be very case-by-case for me, like if a Facebook plugin was focused on for a stable build, this would probably never be used by myself as I simply don't care for FB games, but then for someone else using C3, it may be their main focus! But there will be times where I'd require something that is simply not possible unless a new plugin is made.

    With Javascript scripting: This feature is something you'd definitely want! Without scripting, we rely on Scirra (and third-party plugins) to fulfil requests, which may not be top priority with the many other requests. For third-party plugin creators, this could take a lot of time to create for them, rather than simply suggesting "Hey just paste this javascript code into your events and voila, done".

    But now, having scripting, some requests may arrive quicker if someone with Javascript knowledge sees your request.

    Also, if for whatever reason you have a request but it's too niche, you now have the ability to use Javascript yourself (teach yourself, or googling the thing you would like in Javascript). This gives us the option to try at least!

  • Many thanks for the replies Ashley, I really appreciate the work that has gone into implementing so many suggestions.

    I'm more and more active on C3 as of recently subscribing and I have questions that might turn into suggestions (Similar to my post today about debugger), but they're so trivial. It's making me unsure whether to post on Suggestions or ask on the forum. I have 2 more suggestions, one about bookmarks and one about the search, hopefully small but really would make my C3 experience even better.

    I really want to be part of making C3 grow, as I had done with C2 in the past (I remember making passing comments on the forum and you had added them in so quick; perhaps I'm spoilt! But I do understand Scirra has grown substantially).

    I've thought of an idea for suggestion platform:

    What about adding a new category called "Minor Adjustments"?

    This would be a category where people can post what they personally feel is a minor 5 to 10 minute "change" or "fix".

    With the above category existing, maybe someone at Scirra could spend a short amount of time to check out a couple of "Minor Adjustment" suggestions and mark their status. (Even if it's only 5 mins, but more regularly, maybe weekly, or more if it's doable. I mean no disrespect in suggesting how you use your time.)

    The idea being that you could be very strict with rejecting suggestions in this category. If users are posting very huge requests, or if users post something that genuinely seems trivial, but Scirra reads the suggestion and knows it will be a huge amount of work, then this can be rejected too.

    The user can then add their suggestion again in a different category as they now know it is more of a bigger request than they thought, and if they amass many votes, then Scirra will know it is a popular request.

    The benefits

    • A higher rate of acknowledging suggestions may make users more encouraged to suggest more (Makes us happy too!).
    • Very frequent users of C3 will have a great understanding of minor annoyances as they develop their projects, therefore they may suggest very useful ideas that others or even Scirra may not have thought of.
    • Encourages people that wouldn't have otherwise posted their suggestion, due to thinking it would be a waste of time and won't be seen
    • Less posts may appear on the General Discussion forum for those tiny passing suggestions.
    • Will not spend too much of Scirra's time due to strict process of rejection.
    • Many little changes really do add up.

    Hopefully this is a usable idea.

    Many thanks for reading!

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  • Yeah so right now with the trigger once its doing what I presumed. But at a meta level, do you agree that "repeat 20 times" indicates that it will end afterwards?

    That's just the intuitive takeaway from the wording.

    I understand where you are coming from, but keep in mind that the logic you are thinking will only occur with "Trigger" events, such as "On Collide" or "On Key Press", and as you have found, "Trigger Once Whilst True".

    All loops (Repeat, While, For, For Each) are not "Triggers", and will always be processed each tick.

  • > I think currently, the events will check one of the enemies variables, then apply the outcome to all enemies

    Jase00 No, I don't think so. The events on that screenshot should pick all instances with move="right", then all instance with move="left". So it's unlikely that "for each" will help. But the order of events and actions definitely needs fixing.

    dop2000 I'm not too sure about the order of events being the cause, it's not the most optimised but it looks functional to me visually, and OP said it does work with 1 instance of the enemy.

    I do agree that the "Set Maximum Speed" is misplaced and must be run once, though!

    I suggested the ForEach idea because, personally, whenever I have a system working perfectly with 1 instance, but it breaks when I add more instances (just like OP's situation), then I find a "For Each" condition fixes everything.

  • Hello!

    My apologies if this is a wasted read, as I am unsure about the internal process of the Suggestions platform (Maybe you guys already have a system in place for when and how often to check out the suggestions platform).

    I popped up a suggestion about the Event Sheet View a couple of weeks ago.

    My suggestion, in my opinion, may not be the most overwhelmingly huge feature to add ([*]PLEASE SEE NOTE), but I think it could be very useful for all users when using the Event Sheet View, beginners or advanced users. However, the suggestion only gained a small bit of attention, and may end up buried within a few more weeks. In the few weeks since posting, I find that I wish I had this suggestion implemented on a few occassions, but there's not much else I can do to attract attention to see if it can ever be added. I wonder if this is the case for other suggestions too.

    [*] Note: I completely respect and understand that you are a small team, and that I do not know how C3 is programmed, therefore I could be very wrong about how easy a suggestion is to add. I understand suggestions may or may not be added, I would imagine it is depending on how long it would take to develop, how useful for general users, if it's even feasible for C3 to include, etc.

    I remember years back before I subscribed to C3, the features suggestion platform was added, which was a great idea! But I understand that the current system is possibly biased towards older suggestions that have amassed votes from users over the years, so maybe this has an effect now due to a few years passing? (The "biased" bit being mentioned here, just to clarify).

    One reason why I think the smaller quality-of-life suggestions can end up buried: Voters may not want to spend their votes on small suggestions as they may see more benefit in casting their votes to those larger "Unable to do this in C3 unless you use a third-party plugin" or "impossible to do unless Scirra develops this" type of suggestions.

    Another reason smaller suggestions could end up buried: I imagine most visitors on the Suggestion platform would come across suggestions to vote on by using Trending, Recent, and Popular; I wouldn't have thought that many users would browse each sub-category too often, especially with high number of suggestions such as the Event Sheet View sub-category. Don't get me wrong though, it's great it is categorised like this! And without sub-categories, it would be worse off as everything would be in one big list.

    I was wondering, would there be any way to gain further attention to a suggestion? Maybe a sort of curation system to lessen the burden for Scirra to have to cycle through every suggestion?

    I have no idea how as I've never handled a suggestions plaform before, but I'm thinking when creating suggestions:

    Users could vote out of 5 on some questions such as "Would this be useful for beginners" (1 being no, 5 being definitely useful for beginners), and "Does this seem like a substantial change to C3?" (1 being a seemingly small change to C3, 5 being a massive project in itself to implement).

    (With the above, perhaps not all users, maybe only a hand-picked few users such as forum mods? Or all users with a subscription to C3? And to clarify: this would only be the users opinions; where we would rely on the more technically-minded people that may have a reasonable guess as to whether it would be a tricky feature to implement into Construct 3 or not.)

    With a system like this, perhaps smaller easier-to-implement suggestions, yet beneficial to a lot of users, could end up being seen by the programmers at Scirra, and have more of a chance to end up in the beta's of Construct 3 maybe, which would benefit a lot of users, beginners and advanced users alike.

    If not, is there any other way we could gain more attention to a suggestion? (Without just posting on the General Discussion here on the Forum, otherwise everyone would do this and cause pollution to General Discussion!)

    I will continue to post suggestions, as small as they may be, when I find they could be utilised on multiple occasions for myself, but it would be nice to know that after posting a (hopefully easy-to-implement) suggestion, that it may have a chance to be seen and acknowledged.

    Many thanks for reading!

  • I haven't encountered this myself with C3, but, assuming this is not an unknown bug in C3, and assuming you're on Windows, I've seen this sort of effect happen on other software when available RAM is low.

    If you do not have much available RAM, then depending on the size of your project, you might find it starts closing randomly due to running out of RAM.

    Windows doesn't always warn you about this in my experience too, sometimes it will silently close applications (This has happened to me on different computers too, not just my own!)

    I checked the RAM usage on my small 400 event project:

    RAM when I have C3 open with no project loaded.

    <Compared with>

    RAM when I have C3 open with my project, with the Event List Viewer open.

    This increases my RAM usage by a small 50MB.

    However, if your project had for instance 2000 or more events, all expanded, then this might be higher. (NOTE: I am assuming that events would up the usage, it could also be amount of sprites, image size of sprites etc.)

    It may be worth checking:

    1. How much RAM do you have?
    2. How many events does your project have?
    3. If you work on multiple projects, does C3 crash when you work on a project that is more smaller/less events?
    4. How much RAM does C3 use when you open it without opening your project?
    5. If you open C3 and open your project, how heavy is your RAM usage now?
    6. After using C3 for about 20 minutes of heavy usage, how does your RAM usage look?

    Hope this helps!

  • You might want to add a new event with "For Each (enemies)".

    Then move all the "enemies" events as a sub-event below the "For Each" condition.

    I think currently, the events will check one of the enemies variables, then apply the outcome to all enemies (so suddenly it thinks all enemies are moving "left" even though some are moving "right").

    If you add a For Each command, this will make Construct 3 re-run the same events individually for every enemy that you add.

    I understand you have made a new family as a test to fix the issue you were having, but just to clarify, I would recommend trying to keep all enemy events into 1 family, then you can have the 1 "For each" event with all the AI being sub-events.

    A quick mockup screenshot to demonstrate:

    Hope this helps!

  • Hello!

    Just to warn, Chrome Canary may wipe your local .c3p file if you try to save locally. Make sure to "Download a local copy" before reacting.

    I use my computer minmially and do not use Chome Canary for anything but C3 (no browser extentions at all or anything), but suddenly today, after doing a bit of work, I cannot "Save" to my local computer. When saving, I get "Unable to save project. Try checking you have permission to save in the chosen location. Alternatively, try saving a different way."

    Now, the main worry here, is, my c3p file has been wiped to 0mb, so... C3 has started the save process but couldn't finish it.

    If this happens to you, BE CAREFUL, use the "Download a copy" feature to save your file, and don't close your browser until you do this. If I had closed my browser and opened it again, I would have lost my work. Also, always backup!

    I get the following error. Perhaps a new Canary update has broken something?:

    I downloaded and installed regular chrome and logged in, works fine and saves fine.

    I'm using beta C3 190 if that matters, but I reckon it's Chrome Canary related. Be careful nonetheless!

    Hope this helps.


  • Hello!

    I'm becoming more eager to move from C2 to C3, as I had been playing with the free version and realised how the work flow might not be different at all if I moved right now to C3 (I was happy to discover: Keyboard shortcuts work as expected, CTRL+Mousewheel works without zooming in the actual "browser page", adding C3 as a shortcut and maximising gives me a normal full screen with start bar visible with no address bar or tabs, looks and feels great!)

    Had a few questions:

    1. Can "Remote Preview" be used on an offline LAN network?

    I understand that preview-over-wifi from C2 is no longer a thing, but Remote Preview now exists but I am unable to test this in the free version.

    I read that Remote Preview works over LAN, but does this also mean this feature works offline over LAN?

    Currently I preview my game on my phone often on C2, as my phone and PC is connected to my router, but lets assume my internet was down, would I still be able to speedily preview on my phone like in C2?

    2. How do I use the equivilent of "Fullscreen: Crop" in C3, as this option no longer exists in C3?

    I use "Fullscreen: Crop" on my current C2 project to adapt my project to different phone sizes, I feel like I have a great deal of control using this and then manipulating sprites and objects using the viewport events (On C2, Fullscreen set to "Off" creates an unwanted border on my phone, even if I try to manipulate the canvas/browser size with events).

    3. More mild trivial quesiton, but is there a plugin to get dates/times from the users device? It is the only third party plugin I'm using in my current project, thought I'd quickly ask!

    4. Privacy. I had lightly asked about this in a blog post somewhat recently, and I have read the Privacy policy, but I was curious specifically what degree of information is tracked by Scirra?

    Just to stress, I'm not asking about data that would help circumvent security or piracy.

    To give some specific ideas on what I'm asking, data such as:

    1. Things typed into C3 such as Text, event comments, project titles.

    2. When using Remote Preview, how long do the builds stay on the Scirra servers?

    I'm not inherently opposed to Scirra or companies tracking information, I like knowing I can help and be a statistic for things like "How often is the Multiplayer plugin added to projects" or "How many events used by C3 users" and such, but I would definitly want to opt out of data collection if it is identifiable.

    The next questions are for someone I know who also uses C2 but isn't entirely convinced by C3, so I don't know the exact use cases he intends but I have a general idea and thought I'd ask for him:

    A. Does the Multiplayer plugin work between C2 and C3? (Could a c2 build of a game communicate with a build in C3?).

    B. Can you add multiple "Multiplayer" plugins in a project? Or, if not, can you connect to multiple servers on the one instance?

    I understand that some games (MMO's) have multiple servers to handle different bits, such as a Login Server, World Server, Channel server. I think this is what he intends to use it for.

    C. Can the official plugins be downloaded and modified?

    I found a thread on the forum about this, I totally agree that it's probably better to request the feature change, and bare in mind this isn't a request I'm asking for so I'm not here to discuss "why not!" if we can't, but the baseline question; are we actually able to download the plugins and tinker with them if we for whatever reason wanted to?

    I do know that, in C2, he modified the Multiplayer plugin to allow more instances to be added to aid in his project, which is why I asked question B as well.

    Many thanks for any answers!

    Edit: Formatting and spelling

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