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  • Well I'm an idiot.

    Thank you

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  • I read through all the tutorials on multiplayer and the multiplayer examples, and tried making a platform multiplayer movement with it, but I just can't make it work. I was trying to do it with reference to the real-time multiplayer example, so it is pretty standard. If I just could understand what I'm doing wrong, I don't get it, every time I tried even without reference, just nothing worked. When I preview it, on each preview tab only one peer appears and it can't be controlled.

    I would really appreciate it if someone could give me some insights about what my issue could be.

    Download link of the project if needed:

  • Been going through all the multiplayer tutorials & documentation these days and everything's fine by now except the following. I cannot textually wrap my head around what is meant here and I would appreciate it if someone could explain to me what is meant by this:

    The client value tag is used if the instance variable also corresponds to a client input value. In other words if a peer's client input value is set from that instance variable, setting the corresponding tag here allows the multiplayer engine to know they are linked. The host can use this information to reduce the latency when relaying the inputs to other peers.

  • On Object clicked restart button (event)

    (actions for that event)

    | System -> Restart layout

    | System -> Set variable Score = 0

    The Restart Layout doesn't reset and variables I believe, so the score stays the same when you restart the layout, so you just need to set that Score variable to 0.

    The Score variable needs to be a global variable.

  • Thank you! This will surely help me get started.

  • Whenever I try switching and trying to use the new runtime, I get a black screen on preview. I assume this is a bug? I use Google Chrome's latest version and Windows 10 Pro latest version.

  • CreativeJon90

    Did you change your Discord name? Can't find you there

  • Hey guys & gals!

    I'm mainly a programmer, but can also do art, sound and music (gotta do what you gotta do).

    Since I'm capable enough to draw items, gui and environments, I am less capable in drawing characters and monsters.

    So if anyone out there is interested on working with me on a fancy zombie apocalypse game, that would be cool! I actually made a platformer with environments that you can literally blow up, but I honestly forced myself into creating a platformer and would like to transform the platformer in a side-scroller zombie shoot 'em up with lots of customization and fanciness!

    I would also make it a multiplayer game.

    You can hit me up on Discord if interested or just reply here if you don't have it!


  • I am trying to do a camera dead zone on x and y using lerp, so I have a camera object lerping to player.x, player.y every tick. But, when I try adding a dead zone with timed variables, the camera becomes snappy and weird.

    This is what I am trying to accomplish:

    Any ideas would be greatly appreaciated!

  • Maybe just adding a 'Set Color' effect to the sprite and then changing the parameters of it every 0.1s and then stopping that process when it reaches for example 255, 0, 255?

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Member since 27 Sep, 2015

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