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  • Sorry for lately reply, you can change current set Y to this one :



    Yes, that's what I was looking for. Thanks again.

  • I made it up and down with up/down arrow key.


    p/s : I didn't add bullet behavior yet.

    This does work well. How would I make it so that the sprite gradually moves up or down to the line path? I'm not sure how to get lerp to work properly, along with the sprite having the line path in the center of it just like it is now.

  • How exactly would I go about having a character that moves forward on a line path have the ability to move to the path above or below itself. If I have 3 lines and the character starts on the middle path (bullet behavior with line path sprite in the middle), how do I set it up so that the character goes UP/DOWN to another line path? I'm guessing the movement system is similar to Subway Surfer. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Does anyone have an example of how they would accomplish selecting a character/item/etc. and then being able to determine what order they interact with the game? The best example would be in an RPG where you have 8 characters and need to create a team of 3 where there's a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place order for your team to take actions.

    I'm sure I've got this to work before but I want to know if there's an easier way I haven't thought about. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • camboriu

    Do you mind just giving a quick explanation of the use of local variables? I've seen them before but I'm not sure how to even create them in my own even sheets OR how they're used. It seems like they function like global variables but are temporary.

  • This is something simple I did: imgur.com/a/Ho1Hcrd

    I put the List object in a Music Selection layout for you to choose a song before going to the main game. There might be a way that's a little more efficient but this definitely works. The List object also may not fit the aesthetic of your game, so change it as you see fit. Just note that setting any music to play with a While-like command will try to play music every tick. On or When-like commands should be used.

    You shouldn't have to worry about setting up global variables for knowing which song to play. Music will continue to play between layouts unless you tell it to stop. So if you're always going to end up on the Music Selection layout before starting the game, you should be fine.

    Regarding preloading songs, make sure you're uploading your music to the Music folder, not the Sounds folder. As stated in the manual (https://www.scirra.com/manual/52/import-audio):

    > It is important to organise audio files appropriately, because audio files in the Sounds project folder are downloaded completely before playing, but files in the Music folder are streamed. This means if a Music track is accidentally put in the Sounds folder, it would have to download completely (which could take a couple of minutes) before it started playing. However, audio in the Music folder can start playing immediately since it is streamed from the server.

    Regardings tags, they just make it easier to categorize your music or label it. In the code I shared above, I gave all the background music the "background music" tag so I could easily stop all of it when needed.

    The List object? WHAAAAAT? I've never even heard of that object. Thanks for the info. I will try this out.

  • Still wondering if I can get a response to this.

  • I'm working on a music puzzle game that lets you choose a music track before you enter the game layout. I'm unsure of exactly what steps I'm supposed to take to get this right.

    Would it be easier to have each music track match a global music number in case I end up having over a dozen tracks to select from? Or is there a better way that uses the preload and tag settings for each music track? The preload and tag settings are what I'm confused of how they work and how I pick which track I want.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Member since 31 Aug, 2015

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