I also added for each but still not working
What's wrong in this code? This code triggered only once.
I have seen "ObjectRepository" layout in most of the construct built in example files, I wondered why they create layout and place objects in it. Can anybody explain me the reason behind it?
anyone ? How to make shake like this
add force to objects on shake mobile.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
When I add tween behaviour on spiter object and tween scale then doesn’t work
oosyrag this is exactly what I am saying
ahha! this is working as expected
Thank you
can we also add force by shaking mobile? I shake mobile left right to add force in sprite.
start of the layout I set gravity to 0 and then everytick -> Sprite: Apply Physics force (Touch.AccelerationXWithG-1, Touch.AccelerationYWithG) at image point 0
Its not working as expected. objects moving slowly and also in opposite direction
How do I make physics like this with mobile tilt?
start watching from 2:34
thanks lionz
I had tried everything you said except one thing I was not saving box id. Now I its working.
Thanks again
lionz oosyrag
this file finds edge box.
I was able to get the each edge box through loop. For this I created another sprite and for each loop I placed it to box.bboxLeft. On sprite overlap box and box.picked count = 1 I got the left Edge. same for Right. Now I got all the edges but I want to swap values of edge boxes.
Member since 27 Aug, 2015