I noticed your newsletter (linking to this blog post) includes a pizza emoji. Please be aware some spam detectors classify emails with emojis in the subject as spam.
That said, nice post. Be sure I will get a pro account as soon as I have a holyday I don't have to spent working.
Hi! For a real jigsaw-puzzle example, look at my C2 tutorial. I successfully made a conversion to C3 (the tricky thing is changing the old canvas plugin to a C3 plugin), but I forgot to save it!
What a pity. I paid for my early Construct2 license about the same money a year license costs. I still use C2 to create small presentations and mini games, but I have turned to other technologies such as processing. I dont know if the small usage of Construct I make (primary on my summer vacation, when I don't have exams to check) is worth a yearly susbcription. Maybe I turn to monthly subscription. Also, C2 works in my 2005 Pentium Dual core computer.
What concerns me more is the fading out of C2 engine in C3. My best C2 game, jigsaw puzzle, uses a plugin not adapted to C3. Until june I will be able to compile it with C3, but after that I will be unable to do it.
Live.com or live.ru?
Nice game! Reminds me of that firemen game I played on the 80s in my handheld videogame machine, but it has a nice twist!
(If you can wait for Spanish translation until Christmas, I could help with it. No time to help before december, 20th or after january, 7th).
Nice game! But 6 colors are too many colors for me!!!
Simple design, excellent game!!
How do you pass room 10? :-D
Nice game! The hints and the last balls are difficult to see... And I don't understand why sometimes you can get an apple in the room with the 4 and sometimes you can't
What is the purpose of the game? Just the story?
It seems you wanted to make player keep balloons on screen, but when balloons go out, they reappear!
Wonderful game! Nice graphics, smart use of physics engine, easy to use, and local turn-based multiplayer.
The bug disappeared when changing Fullscreen scaling from "Low resolution" to "High resolution"
You have to deactivate mouse (or maybe touch ). I completely cheated the game by dragging the player sprite.
In Explorer, options menu is not working. Please use Chrome.
(Still untested on Opera and Firefox).
New bug detected: under dolphin/android,when you try to drag a piece you scroll the window instead.
New bug detected - It seems I uploaded the wrong capx, because I'm finding some minor bugs I removed from the version at my website. This time the bug is a bad mask file for the 48 pieces jigsaw producing bad pieces at the borders.
Elegant, simple, nice game!
Too fast for me, even with repeated and simple operations at each side (8*10 at left and 80/10 at right and so on), so stressing. I gave up.
Nice game! It looks original and simple...
Member since 9 Nov, 2011