IKnowMyStory's Recent Forum Activity

  • Kyatric & Yann are two C2 user and have some tutorials online that teaches platforming. I attended the live class and keep referring to the content and videos to help solve problems I am having or learn new approaches in C2 coding. I would highly suggest completing the course material because it will give you a solid foundation on how C2 works and the logical approach to coding in it.

    After completing the C2 for beginners, I would say it should be added to the required list in order to get over the minimum points for posting with uploads and links in the forum for new users. Most of the beginner's question would be answered in these tutorials.

    This post link below will point you to where the tutorials are.


  • For all those who have AMD GPU cards, the problem may be with the Catalyst Pro Control Center software feature HydraVision.

    I was having the same problem with C2 crashing and not closing both on my Windows 7 computer and my Windows 8. They both have AMD video cards and run CCC with multiple monitor connectioned. I took the approach that Ashley is correct in that it is the video card drivers. I made sure that I had the latest drivers from AMD, but the problem persisted. After lots of research I found that both Windows 7 & 8 have had problems with the ATI Catalyst Control Center software component called Hydravision that affects people using several GPU intensive programs like Photoshop and Inkscape and I found Construct 2 also.   The solution was to turn off HydraVision in the Catalyst Control Center Software. One person suggested uninstalling HydraVision software completely. I turned it off on my Win 8 machine and all the crashing stopped. It had gotten so bad that every few minutes I got a crash the more my project grew in size with more images/sprites.

    My Win 8 machine has a AMD FirePro W5000 with 2gigs ram and 3 different size monitors connected. I have not tested the Win 7 machine lately. I will post results when I do.

    The HydraVision feature is used to divided a monitor into multiple Desktops. I really don't need that feature,so having it turned off does not cause me a heartache at this time. AMD states that Win 8.1 should solve the problem with the CCC HydraVision feature when it is released. Hope this helps some of you with your crash problems.

  • I am a teacher and have primarily taught grades 6-12th but also have experience teaching 1st-5th grade students. My credential is for Kindergarten - 8th grade, with a supplemental specialty in Computer Applications in Education and have taught many different areas of technology to all grade levels. Prior to changing majors to teaching I was studying to be an engineer. Over the years I have learned to program in several different languages at a basic level of understanding to help me be more self reliant when working on problems. I am no expert at any of them but understand enough to create solutions that make my work more efficient.

    Part of my job as the technology expert at my schools was to research and select the best software for teacher and students use. In all of my experience, I have learned that no mater how powerful the software is at creating a desired outcome, the UI has doom most of what our school purchased. I would quickly recommend that we not renew a educational or administrative program due to the fact the teacher could or would not learn it. Some of the programs cost $40,000 plus a year to use. Another reason for not continuing to use the software was constant cost increase for updates disguise as Upgrades. Construct 2 does not have that problem. I could go on but you get the idea.

    In researching an HTML5 editor, I learned of Construct 2 for a post on LinkedIn and have not stopped using it for developing my educational content since. It is so much more than I had been looking for, however, the benefits were so great in using the C2 game engine for development, I just purchased a business license as an early adopter knowing it was just what I needed. Its interface is simple and easy to use for those that want to get results without having to learn coding first. Yet it has the power to go as far as you could ever want in a school environment both for creating highly interactive content development tool replacing Flash like content and more, and as a learning environment for students. It is very capable as a teaching tool for logic, both mathematical and human decision making process, work flow, team work, and much more. The young students at your school will have instant success with C2, and in no time be pushing their desire to learn more. So much so that it will move faster than most teachers can keep up with. It generates the perfect hook for students to also learn, User Interface design, Graphic image editing and so much more. I could see a C2 club forming and student racking their brains on how to overcome what ever learning obstetrical is on their path to success on the new game they are developing.

    Construct 2 also has a very fast development path that comes with cost of purchase a license . There is no cost to keep getting all the updates/upgrades and cool feature that are constantly coming out. Many of the other programs charge for new modules or exporters but C2 gets them for free. There is avenue for sales if you choose to monetize your work. In addition to all that, you get a great community of uses that are very willing to share their expertise with others. You cannot go wrong with C2. I would test out the free version to confirm that it will work for your school. Then you can work with Scirra on a educational version as needed. There is so much more I could say, and I hope this does not overwhelm you.

    I hope this helps.

    You can check these blogs

    Construct 2 vs GameMaker vs GameSalad vs Stencyl

    Construct 2 vs. Javascript

  • Gimp is an open source image editing tool. I am not sure if it is true, but I read/heard that Photoshops is a branch of Gimp that went the for profit path. Gimp is very powerful and is updated and supported quit well if you need to edit or create photo quality images/graphics to use in a game. I also use Inkscape have found it all that I need to create vector or png images to us as sprites in C2.

  • I have tried downloading Chrome Console plugin but get the following error.

    Error (404)

    We can't find the page you're looking for. Check out our Help Center and forums for help, or head back to home.

    I not sure if it my end of not, but it appears as thought the link is not valid. I will download the older version for now and check back latter on getting the download problem resolved. Thanks for your hard work in making C2 more powerful and easier to develop with. Keep up the good work.

  • I am developing educational learning content using Construct 2 and was dreading having to get my Construct 2 content to meet the SCORM standards in order to pass data to the Learning Management System (LMS). I found this article which made my day. It is about a new API called the Tin Can API which works to record many of our common learning experiences and translates them into credit for the new understanding and/or learning you or your students/employees just completed. As a teacher, often I hear teachers making the statement, ?He/She is smart, but they just are so lazy and will not do their homework. Well why not give them credit for being smart by allowing them to demonstrate how much they know, research, and understand about the world they live in even if it is not a teacher contrived homework experience.

    If you are a Construct 2 Ed game developer or make any cool game that some one can learn from who wants to make inroads into educational market, this is a very simple way to support a teacher's/employer's ability to track what someone has experienced or learned from their activity while playing your game, (highly interactive content). I am a teacher and Technology Coordinator and have been in charge of purchasing $10s of thousands of dollars worth of digital/online educational content in the past. Only to later recommend that we no longer purchase the product again just because the teachers were struggling with logging into each of the 16 to 20 different UI system to glean what students had learned in the math, reading, writing, etc program. Most would not spend the time because it just was not worth it. The cost to benefit just never could not be quantified, so I often would have to recommend we dumped many of the programs.

    With the Tin Can API in your game, the teacher would just log into the Student Learning Recorded (SLR) and see what the users progress was. It is worth looking into. I am a Moodle Learning Management Systems (LMS) administrator and just learned that Moodle is building their own SLR module into Moodle. Other LMS providers are also adding this feature. The client side is free and schools/companies would have to have a SLR server for receiving the SLR data. Moodle's SLR will be apart to the LMS and I believe it will be free. I not sure what other LMS providers will do. There are cost/per models explained, but school would bare the cost and your game would just take advantage of the feature making it much more valuable to the organization. Enough said. Everything else is explained very well on the Tin Can API site.

    URL: tincanapi.com

  • Hello fellow Constructors. My name is Jim and I found Construct 2 from a LinkedIn post about the death of Flash. I just had finished with my project when Apple chose to put a stack right through Flash's heart. So begrudgingly, having already learned several other programming languages starting with Basic in the 80s, I began the task of learning HTML5 the hard way in order to recreate a project when all of a sudden out of heaven came Construct 2. Hallelujah!! It is so easy because it works the way the our minds think. Based on images (sprites) driven by logic. I do not care about the code, I just want it to work and boy does Construct work well.

    I am a K-8 teacher who was studying to be an engineer and took a hard right turn in my career. Civil Engineering was boring and constrained by city departments which thought they knew best. In college, I was always teaching and helping college students with their tech problems, many whom would comment on how I would make a good teacher. Well I receive my K-8 credential in 1996 with a supplement in Computer Applications in Education. I used all my schooling and wide array of other experience to teach and mentor students in pulling network cable (Telephone communication in USMC), network infrastructure installation, programming, video, audio, graphic, web design, etc. My teach experience was mostly project base learning instruction integrated into all other core curriculum.

    Currently I am recreating our Flash based course on how to become a better writer which use the fact that we think in pictures not words. So why not use pictures to teach how all the grammar is in real photographs or images in our mind.   We just need to understand how to pull the data from the image and organize it into sentences, then paragraphs, and onto essays. I am working with a college professor who has thought writing for 30 + years and turning his lessons into a game, (which means highly interactive and engaging content when I talk to other teachers).   I love how fast Construct 2 keeps meeting my needs each time I have strived to understand what Constructed 2 could do, and the next thing you know, it does way more than it did just the day before. Thank you all you code lovers for all those plugins and of course the Scirra team.

    I have always been the mad scientist type since I was little and love teaching students how things work. Unfortunately now days, I would be in jail for many of my most exciting experiments I did as a child. I hope to some day work with another charter school's students teaching real world science and math using a custom built bus as a mobile science and technology platform.   In the past, my students, teaching partner, and I would go camping or sailing on a 156 foot ship and study the world at large.   I once had an RV which was purchase at my charter school for home schoolers for this very purpose but sadly that dream slipped away.

    I look forward to completing the high school, college, and adult version of our project this summer and then begin developing the children's version soon after. I will also be developing a series of Logic lesson studies using Construct 2 gaming structure for students of all ages on how to think logically in every day life. If this, then that, else big mistake. OOPS!! <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Alright, I really feel dumb. My first post and I make a novice gaff and make the simple hard. My problem was I used a global variable in the clamp function that I did not reset. This caused the next clamp function to not start at 0 but at the last value it ended at. So the lesson is "Make sure you track your variables because if you don't you will get variable results.

    Sorry Animmaniac for not trusting your expertise!

  • Well I have to take everything I stated above back. I does not work with any other values because they grow exponentially and make it slow down to much. Back to the drawing board or Construct 2 animation manual. All I want is to control an animations rate of change over a fixed time frame of my choosing. If I enter 1, 2, or 3 seconds for the time frame that is what I want. Why is that so hard. Clamp is the answer, but it does not function with any consistency. Is it the min, max values that need to be set differently for different time frames?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • If you want a constant rate you need to set constant values to the range and increment the ratio every tick. So you need to do something like:

    +Every Tick

    >set width to lerp(0,600,variable)

    >set variable to clamp( variable + dt / duration ,0,1)

    Being 'duration' the desired time in seconds to go from 0 to 600. Which means that if duration=2 the width of the object will go from 0 to 600 in 2 seconds.

    The clamp expression is used to ensure that the variable value will always stay between 0 and 1, otherwise the width of the object would increase forever.

    I have been studying in the manual and forum posts about the lerp function. I understand it much better now and want to thank those that have helped the new Construct 2 learners like me. I now can use lerp function effectively in my project. Yet, I was wanting to make my movements and scaling actions work at a constant rate and found the very helpful post by Animmaniac regarding this issue.

    I applied the clamp( variable + dt / duration ,0,1) function to accomplish this task, but it did not cause the animation 2 seconds to complete as stated. I tested several options and found that the divided by operator "/" in the formula

    "clamp( variable + dt / duration ,0,1)"

    did not cause the scaling over 2 seconds as stated.

    However, when I changed it to exponential "^" operator

    "clamp( variable + dt ^ duration ,0,1)"

    and it worked correctly. I am not sure why it works and the original "/" does not, but now my lerp move and scale actions now work at a constant rate. I hope my post does not confuse anyone if I am wrong in my approach to getting this to work the way I need it to.

  • Kyatric, thank you. That worked just as you stated by hover over the top left edge. I had not use the feature enough to remember were they were, so I never test for that possibility.

  • Construct 2 full version r67, Windows 7 with all updates, Chrome 15.0.874.120 m

    I am new to Construct 2 starting with r63. I completed the Ghost Shooter game tutorial in r63 with no problems and it ran as expected. I download each release version in between r63 and r66, but did not work with those versions of C2 much. Since downloading the r67 version, I tried to complete the tutorial again for a quick reminder of the basics. However, when I reached Beginners tutorial page 5 for editing image origin location point for the bullet spawn using the image point tool, the origin point tool icon and therefore the image point dialog is not available. The first time I completed the tutorial it was easy and straight forward to create and edit the origin point 1 on the player. Now I cannot find the "Set origin and image points" tool in the "Edit animations" dialog box at all. I reopened the first Ghost Shooter project file and there are no image points on the shooter image "player" on that version of the game that appears either. When I right click player or any of the images and select the Edit animation option, the "Animations dialog box opens and has "Default" displayed and the "Animation frames (1)" dialog box also displays. The small red target and blue frame icons are not showing in the "Edit animation" dialog box at all. I search the forums to see if anyone else had a similar problem, but nothing is posted. I don't know what I am doing wrong because it was easy and very obvious the first time I completed the beginners tutorial, but I am lost now.

    Steps taken to resolve problem are; download and reinstalled the r67 version, ran Windows disk clean to clear old files, cleared Chrome browsing data, Shutdown and restarted Windows 7 more than once, confirmed c2license.txt file still in C2 program folder, confirmed that none of the layers were locked, and followed the Beginners tutorial exactly as writing, right click, left click, tested every iteration of clicks I could think of but still nothing. Thanks for your help and I sure I will come out looking dump in the end which will make it an easy fix.

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