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  • I really like this .

  • Cryptwalker

    I think I played that game a LONG LONG time ago at a friend's house on his dreamcast. Seems like there were a dozen or so really great arcade shmups that were only ported to the Dreamcast. Wish they'd re-release some of them on Steam or even XBLA.

    Yep, the Dreamcast had some great shmups. As far as I know, i think only Ikaruga was ported to Steam and XBLA. Another good one was Radiant Silvergun which is also on XBLA. The Raiden series was ported to Desura as well as mobile devices also.

    You can still play most of these on MAME also which is what i do (having your own arcade cabinet to play it with is nice too).

  • I always liked Mars Matrix as it difference itself quite a bit from most shmups. It doesn't have an weapon upgrade system per say as typical shmups, but rather it increases with power as you gain points by chaining attacks. However, you do have different attacks based on *how* you press the shoot button - and everything is done from that one single button. The graphics and music are great too. Also, instead of have a vertical screen display as nearly all vertical shmups do, it has a horizontal display (kinda like James Town for a more recent shmup). Insanely tough game though.

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  • This game surprisingly hard. Been playing it on my Nexus 7 for the past 5 minutes and my highest score is like 3.

  • I would also buy the box version, just because its so fricken cool.

  • Shouldn't this thread be a sticky?

  • anata pressing "S" does nothing on the demo =

    Same thing for me.

  • Played this game on Desura. I like the concept and art style. But the title is a bit odd, seemingly has a different connotation for the game is about.

  • Holy f*ck. Been playing this on my Macbook Pro Retina today and considering the specs i'm running, i must admit that I'm quite blown away by this game. It ran surprisingly well on mid settings with all the shaders on. Heck it was even playable with mode 7-ish perspective turned on also but I enjoyed it more without it. Not the fact that its built using C2, but this is definitely top tier quality in design, graphics, sound, and graphics. Not only that, but its fricken fun as hell too . I like the first Velocity Ultra, the second one on the PS4 was even better, but Penelope by far is much more enjoyable in my opinion. If you guys don't have this yet...get it NOW!!!

    It does have a few quirky moments though, like the scenes seem to jump a few times during the race. Not sure if its the low specs of my MacBook Pro Retina, or the game itself. I even turned it down to low settings and it still occasionally happens. Also uses some intense resources as the MacBook's fan started kicking in as I was playing. Still, none of it deviated from the gameplay. Should also mention that during the crash scenes, for some odd reason it gets extremely sloooww.... on any settings.

    I'm about to try this out on my PC now, which has considerable more horsepower. Will report later...

    BTW, Mac specs : 2.6GHz i5, 16GB 1600MHz RAM, 256GB PCIe HHD, Intel Iris Graphics

  • Downloading now!

  • Ugh...still not out yet here...

  • Looking forward to this tomorrow. Will there be a Mac version also? Or just only PC?

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