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  • Try setting your local variable to "static" (you can do this by right clicking the variable and selecting "edit").

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  • Have you already tried talking with the developer of the plugin/checked the thread for the plugin to see if a similar bug has been noted or fixed previously?

  • So there are a few different ways to go about this. One way is to nest your enemy's code under a "for each" loop. That may be unnecessary if you use functions and instance variables to determine how your enemies act.

    As an example of what I mean by my second point, you can do something like:

    -If Enemy health =0 -> Call function "Kill enemy" (add a parameter with enemy.UID - the UID is a unique identifying number that belongs only to that instance of teh enemy object)

    -On function "Kill enemy"

    ---Enemy - Pick by UID(function.param(0)) (this is picking the enemy instance using the UID you added to the parameters of the function. In this case it is parameter 0 because it is the first parameter) -> Enemy -> destroy

  • I'd try exporting the spriter animations for the torso (and maybe arms and head too) separately as sprite sheets and use those as the animation. that way you can set their angle toward the touch.x/y positions without an issue with the actual spriter plugin determining their positions. This will require pinning objects to one another which may be tedious at first but will get you the desired result.

  • First, I want to say that this is visually stunning. I'm blown away by the art and sense of immersion here . You did the art too??

    Bugs to take a look into:

    I noticed that the player grabs ledges even if the platform is low enough to jump on normally (this happens at the starting point), Also, I want to echo what anty21ro said about the player not jumping quite high enough when jumping from a ledge grab to get on the platform.

    Great work so far! I hope you finish it!

  • How exaclty is the standard jump animation being handled? it sounds like it's overriding what you're trying to do.

    I'd also recommend using a once while true when holding a button like that, as it will loop through that event continuously and potentially keep resetting the animation.

  • Hit enter, or right-click -> wrap selection.

    Awesome! Thank you R0J0hound!

  • Hey all!

    I think this is not possible but I thought I'd ask just in case. Is it possible to select a bunch of objects and rotate them around a shared axis (in the editor) rather than rotating all of the selected objects individually?

  • I'm not sure of exactly what you're after. Are you using the physics behavior or hoping to adjust parameters for another behavior like the 8 direction or platform behaviors?

    You could always use a sprite that triggers the changes you're looking for on collision, or you could use a global (or local, really depends on what you're doing) variable to set your changes when you're player is within a certain X/Y threshold.

  • I think the most involved part of that would be the scrolling text. created a great example he shared awhile back for dialog boxes and scrolling text that would probably be helpful for you.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/lqw6lkak8v0wi ... .capx?dl=0

    Otherwise, it's as easy as setting the introduction to it's own layout and having it either automatically or with user input, go to the next level. Once you get the text working, if you're having trouble with the switching, send me a PM and I'll help you out.

  • I love this. Thank you for working on it .

  • So you (or your team )did the animation yourself then? Very impressive. Best of luck with your projects!

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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