I am working on a project and I need some of you talented people to help me out a little. First Download and run the .capx file I'm attaching with this post to have a better idea of what i'm asking for.
So Basically, My rocket is floating in Space where's there's no gravity. The controls are keyboard "UP Arrow" to fly upwards and Keyboard "Down Arrow" to fly downwards to avoid obstacles. I have added physics, set world gravity to 0 and added Linear Damping to my Spaceship so if you move upwards, you will keep going.
However, I can't figure out one thing. I want to achieve this
[quote:m509inac]1. Whenever I press and hold the direction button (Up or Down), lets say for example 'Up Arrow', I want the tip of the spaceship's nose to start tilting towards the marked point A on the layout. As long as I keep holding down the UP Arrow, the ship should smoothly tilt towards the A mark. Similarly, Holding down the 'Down Arrow' button should do the same but starting to tilt the nose of the spaceship towards marker B on the layout.
I don't want it to be a sudden thing, I want it be in a flow and gradually start curving down as long as i'm pressing the button. If opposite button is pressed then the force of angle should shift upwards smoothly incriminating.
Construct 2 Working File
I hope you guys understand what i'm trying to say. If not then download the .capx file and you will be absolutely clear on what I want.
Full Screenshot: s17.postimg.org/sapc3pp7z/Capture.png
Construct 2 Working File
dropbox.com/s/sy2c9po0j88z2kf/howtorotatetip.capx (Dropbox Download)
Example Game
Watch it from the middle when the rocket is flying. However, in my game there's no gravity so the ship should only turn downwards when down arrow is pressed.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.