R0J0hound , first thanks for the great plugin.
I'm using actually the Canvas & Paster plugin due the canvas have the option to pick RGB values and paster because accept the shader effects.
My problem is that i'm using the WebGL shaders on a layer(Due some ones only are available for layer and not sprite).
I can set the Paster size the same as an image imported like 2048x , but i can't add the image with all the layer effects on paster.
- With "take a snapshot" only takes the window size but if the image is 2048x or more exports cutted.
- With "load texture from canvas" same problem. I tried also with events change the canvas size and NW.JS windows size to adapt to the image imported but if the SO/Monitor not have that resolution the size can't be higher.
I saw the "canvas" plugin have an action that says "Pastes layer" but not works, got an error when try to trigger in runtime, btw the canvas not accepts the WebGL effects.
Is possible add the "Paste Layer" on Paster plugin? Or there is another way i can try to paste in the Paster plugin all the content of a layer? Or maybe on a Sprite using the LoadingURI get the layer content and then paste that image on Paster?