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  • I want to save screenshot on mobile phone.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • How can I download Cordova ScreenCapture Plugin ?

    Please anyone tell me.

  • Please tell me how can I download cocooncanvas plugin ?

  • Rescue Fish Android Game

    Rescue fish game is a fun to play and a different platform. all you got to do is to save the innocent fish from evil fish. first of all you have to zap an air bubble from the fish you get and chase away the evil fish and next zap the fish to the cage blocks and rescue innocent fish. meantime collect the coins and score as much as you can.

    this game includes 10 levels and 01 endless level. as you finish the first level the level two will be automatically unlocked. once you finish the entire course of 10 levels the gates of the awesomeness of endless level will be unlocked.

    Google Play Store Link:


    • 3 types of game play
    • 10 levels and 1 endless level
    • Share score on facebook wall
    • 4 types of resolutions
    • Play and beat your friends' scores
    • No ads

    Thank You!

  • Thank you LittleStain. I found what was the problem. it was intel XDK new version.

  • can I know how to use browser object in apk game. I build a game using intel xdk.browser object working perfectly on web browse when testing in construct 2 game engine. but it was not working when build a apk. please help me. sorry for bad English. thank you!

  • ok thank you so much zenox98

    I think that's the problem, I did play mp3. mp3 is ok with web browser but not working on NW.js.

    thank you for reply...

  • I am using construct 2 r213

    videos and audios are not working on NW.js with video object.

    but video object is ok with web browsers.

    how can I play video on NW.js ?

    please help me...

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Member since 12 Jun, 2015

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