Changelog: v1.6 stable
New forest Levels
New Item : Key
New Item : Wood for bonfire
Bunker entrance graphics
No jump in roll mode.
Changelog: v1.0 stable
[Add] Map terminal.
[Add] New rooms.
[Add] Bag sprite.
[Add] Inventory.
[Add] End game screen.
[Add] More levels decorations.
[Add] All languages title.
[Change] Improved movements.
[Change] Collectable item now goes to inventory.
Good... Test my online multiplayer too
Wow, hierarchy editing is going to be really useful. s2
[Add] Ore sprite and mechanic of credits.
[Add] Truck colector of ores.
Changelog: v0.5
[Add] Acid drip generator.
[Add] Rolling Mechanics.
[Add] Rolling animation.
Changelog: v0.4
[Changed] Jump system has been improved with more precise movement and
more animation frames.
[Add] Tutorial in the first phase.
[Add] Lowering mechanic.
[Add] Ducking animation.
[Add] Catch animation.
changelog: v0.3
[Changed] Image title.
[Bugfix] Jump button now works better.
[Bugfix] Smoke sounds now use a sprite to help in action.
[Add] Added Japanese and Espanhol languages.
* PVP invite (automatic).
Now with online ranking database. (id 16+)
BUg ?
Achei interessante o gráfico e a ideia do jogo. a mecânica é diferente porém eu não entendi ainda, eu notei que tem que começar com uma sequencia e ir juntando as peças mas eu não entendi onde começa o circulo e onde termina... Se era diagonal para esqueda como 12h ou se a direita... Assim tentei entender e sempre dava um diagonal esquerdo amarelo... Sei que pode ser simples e me culpo por não conseguir... Mas eu melhoraria o tutorial ou instruções.
Há? ? My game works on multi-platform multiplayer.
Test my online multiplayer tank game plz
Gooood... Ashley plz a agroup of object in layout space... The hierarchy is a phenomenal feature...
A group objects is easy to organization.
Member since 7 May, 2011