Thank you for new update. I hope that in the near future, we will be able to use AI to develop more efficiently through integrated JavaScript engines, with the simple yet powerful creations of Construct 3 and Construct Animate.
I love Construct 3 because it empowers people, including children, to bring their imaginative games to life without the need for complex coding knowledge. While it may not be the most powerful engine, it provides an excellent way to integrate various JavaScript engines into projects. Despite the potential for numerous errors, it also opens up the possibility for creating highly powerful capabilities.
It's a very big update. I look forward to the day when the Integrated 3D engine makes Construct 3 even better. Especially if there is an example or community that is interested in creativity. Examples of how 3D model object manipulation helps create 3 games or projects of excellent quality. Not inferior to other engines, I love you very much. Thank you very much.
Thank you for the update.
I Love new example.
But I'm a little concerned about whether WebGL for older browsers can be used without updating the browser to the latest version.
Love,Fast fix fast update, Thank you.
I love updating examples. It's the right way to use them correctly. Thank you very much for improving the quality.
I love update. this big update. thank you :D
love update,love example new demo,thank you :D
Thank you for new update and new demo.
Thanks you for new update and demo.
Thank you for the update. I love the new demo. Learning and accessing the capabilities of the update accurately are efficient and easy to understand
Thank you for the example. It's a good idea and helps to understand the process correctly, enhancing efficiency.
wow cool , love more demo ,thank you for update
i Love update , love demo
wow!! i love more demo , good road map. thank you
Member since 6 Jun, 2015