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  • You should not alter the layout's canvas size to do split screen.

    From the top of my head there are several ways to achieve splitscreen:

    1) Put each player's viewport on a separate layer, then sync objects and offset positions.

    2) Use n drawing canvases, then iterate through each player and paste that player's viewport to their canvas.

  • Can you try to open the c3p file with a zip program (like 7zip) and check its contents?

    If you can't, well you are in some bit of trouble there.

    Always remember to set up autosave targets to e.g. Google Drive and back up your project state every X minutes.

  • You can use a dictionary.

    Key = Story name

    Value = Story content

    Dropdown menu: Key entries of dictionary

    On select dropdown item:

    Set storytextbox.text to dictionary.Get(dropdownitem)

    Set storyname.text to dropdown item

    Store the JSON string of the dictionary object to local storage, then load it whenever needed.

    Per se the dictionary object is global, so you can access it's content from any layout.

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  • The question is somewhat ambiguous.

    1) If you mean in the animation editor, you can right click in the frames section and select "reverse frames". This will reverse the frame order of the animation.

    2) If you mean at runtime, I am most certain that there is no native way as negative animation speeds won't work (still frame).

    A possible, but tedious workaround is to copy the animation to be reversed, then reverse the frame order like explained in 1) and later, when exporting the project, make sure to select to deduplicate images. Like this you remove the identical images for both animation directions from the spritesheets and keep the file size and memory usage the same.

  • Please also consider using the Eren's port of the original Magicam plugin. Makes camera setup almost worry free. Check it out on Eren's github repository:

  • You can try to use the system expression "set object time scale" and override the global time scale.

    Furthermore, you can select the specific objects on a layer with the object condition "Is on layer" and then test for the according layer name or number.

  • This can definitely work. However, keep in mind that various controls are not supported by tilemap, such as rotation, imagepoints etc.

    It can also be cumbersome to control animations as you have to write your own function for frame changes, animation speed etc.

    You could try tiled background as an alternative as it supports image scaling, rotation and offsets in order to parse through the image map. Again, animation controls missing.

    Another suggestion would be to still use sprites, loop through the animations and frames and load the images from an URL. Like this you have the full sprite functionality.

  • Use a touch object with use mouse input enabled.

    Then create the following event:

    Sprite dragging:

    Sprite -> Set angle to Touch.AngleAt(0)

  • You can't compare correctly the variables with the system expression if you didn't pick objects through another qualifier first.

    Also, the variables don't appear in the dropdown field because they are boolean.

    Use the condition "Is boolean instance variable set" instead, there you'll find your shed variable.

  • -> On start of layout (system condition)

    Sprite: Stop animation

  • Colonel Justice I ran into another issue here. Is there some kind of way to invert the way it's scrolling? As it is now when you drag to the right the camera moves to the right but i would like it to be the opposite. Is it doable?

    Set the angle of motion for the TouchController to Touch.AngleAt(0) + 180

  • Use tags in audio like this:

    On start of layout

    Audio: "music" is *not* playing (invert condition)

    -> Play audio "song" with tag "music"

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Colonel Justice

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