Family FAM has variable SHED. If I create a condition FAM.Compare instance variable, the dropdown is empty. I expected to see SHED there.
I've created a very simple card game.
I created a few sprites.
I created 2 families, DOG and FAM.
I set sprites to families: DOG has 1 sprite. FAM has 3.
I added a boolean variable "sheds" to both families.
I've clicked each sprite in Families folder. I can see the instance variable sheds [DOG] or sheds [FAM]. I set each 'sheds' variable true or false.
My layout has no sprites.
OnStartLayout I System.create instance to create one DOG and one FAM (which I believe creates a random instance of any object in FAM family).
Using System.EverySecond 0.1 I move it offscreen and destroy it, and create another FAM.
I created a condition where DOG card overlaps FAM card. I want to add a second condition, if the FAM card has the same shed value as the DOG card, but can't
First, I tried creating a condition CompareVariable on object FAM, but the dropdown list of variables is empty (I expected to see 'shed' since it's a FAM variable).
Instead, I created the condition System.CompareTwoValues (DOG.sheds = FAM.sheds). This gives me wrong results (it matches cards whose 'sheds' is set different)