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  • Thanks for the advises.

    How do you trigger an update manually?

  • Seriously, I'm struggling with this for a while now and i can't get it to working. Those triggers were working before they were removed and reimplemented.

    Is there something i am missing? I know how to implement them. I wondered if there was probably sth wrong with my webspace server settings about the appcache file?

  • dpad. Didn't think about that.

    So you would like to have such a "dpad" on the screen somewhere and control the snake with four directions?

    Swiping sounds interesting too. Didnt try that yet

    Thank you

  • Hey out there!

    I made a simple snake-like game. So far i know it works on computers and mobile devices.

    If you are interested you can try it out here. If you find any bugs or if you have a low FPS (shown on the bottom left) then please let me know!

    Scythe Snake

    Don't forget to write your name after scoring!


  • [quote:3dlro9j3]I like the idea of sending json. But what about prevent cheating?

    I mean if the peer creates the object and set's all values, it could be possible to cheat by overriding the values.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks for your help


    I figured out a good way to do it via the host. Much appreciate for this great advice!

  • Salut!

    I really enjoy developing with the multiplayer system of Construct 2. I figured out most of it.

    Now i'm think how its is possible to have proper movement of faster moving objects on every client.

    Let's say i have a dagger that i'm throwing. It's not like a bullet but it uses the bullet behaviour.

    It starts flying and decelerates until it stops. It can hit someone or hit a wall.

    This is all done and easy. The point now is, i want to make the hit check on the host and tell the clients what the dagger hit.

    My first try was to create the dagger locally on every client with the correct angle of motion. That works pretty well but the problem is (except of the fact that every client has a bit of a different angle and flying dagger) how would i stop the dagger in the right moment for every client?

    If the host detects a hit of a moving player, the dagger stops. I send a message to all clients with the id of the dagger and the player hit. That works, but the dagger is (obviously) before or behind (or with some luck) on the player. So thats a bit inaccurate.

    My next try was to sync the object. First i didnt use Input Prediction. That works but looks pretty laggy and not smooth at all (but its the most accurate). If i'm enabling the input prediction the movement is smooth and the way how it acts feels good. However the dagger is flying faster and fruther on the clients and always needs to roll back a bit when stopped. What the hell?

    Does anyone have a cool idea or did already some successful stuff for such flying objects and syncing it all together?

    Thank you!

  • How does your coger animation look like?

    Can you make a screenshot of the animation frames?

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  • Thanks for your reply!

    I expected to need a workaround like that.

    However wouldn't it be possible to start the NW.js twice with the same parameters out of C2?

    I guess that would need an implementation in the program itself.

    Maybe a feature request could help in future

    Thanks again, have a creative day!

  • Dear People,

    is there a possibility to start NW.js multiple times when previewing the game?

    When i'm trying to test a multiplayer game i can simply preview it in a browser by open as many tabs in it as i want.

    However the NW.js only starts once. It would be awesome to be able to open multiple windows cause whenever i'm previewing stuff the tabs (and in this case the NW.js windows) would reload.

    Is there a way to do that or do i need to make a feature request somewhere?

    Thank you!

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Member since 27 May, 2015

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