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  • Yeah that fixed it. Thanks!

  • Hey Rex I'm getting this error with the latest version:

    Javascript error!Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ID' of nullhttp://localhost:50000/Rex_TMXImporter_plugin.js, line 834 (col undefined)This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer!

    Hope it's an easy fix!

  • Yeah I've already made an event to change it to "Space" I just wanted to make sure this was intentional ^^;

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  • Instead of "Space" or "Spacebar" it's " ". I take it this was intentional but unless you add brackets players might think it's a bug.

  • I guarantee clicking cancel by accident won't blow your face off.

    (I agree that the ok/cancel for obj. selection should be swapped though, but I never would've noticed if you didn't point it out. Also I'm pretty sure Ok/Done are always highlighted by default so just press enter.)

  • Looks intentional to me; they're context sensitive.

    "Left > Clicked > On Object"

    "Create Object > On Layer > At Image Point"

    Makes more sense than

    "Object > Is Left > Clicked On"

    "Create At Image Point > On Layer > Of Object"

    As for the cancel button, it's because "done" took its place and the only logical place to put it is on the other end so you don't accidentally cancel.

  • I'm no moderator but please keep bugs in their respective threads ^^; There are like 6 threads on the same two things. This one is just for solids - there are others for the jump-thru bug (although it seems the same fix caused all of them).

  • Pretty sure that's due to your charmap. There is an action to set the width of individual characters to fix this very problem. Looking at the .capx now..

    Alright that might not be the case. However, each character is at the top left of its respected cel - maybe putting them in the middle will fix this?

  • Thank you for your invaluable input.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Just move against a wall when jumping or falling and you'll notice all kinds of problems. Z to jump.

    1) Player doesn't jump as quickly nor as high when moving against a wall.

    2) Jumping and then moving against a wall sometimes forces the player to fall as soon as it reaches the top.

    3) Move against a wall when you start falling and the player instantly reaches maximum falling speed.

    *Preventing the player from moving left or right using "Is By Wall" helps but doesn't fully eliminate the problems.

  • Or 2 private variables. When you click, set them to touch.x and touch.y then rotate the object to them every tick. If you want it to be really smooth then use Lerp()!

  • Everything you need to know about the array object

    Basically an array is a 1, 2, or 3 dimensional grid of cels each containing a value,string,or both!

    They can be used for storing save data (although a dictionary is better there), or inventories, or even tile-based level editors. Be creative! I've even used them for screen transitions.

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