Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Really? Like what? There have been dozens of requests by many people to improve the way layers, tilemaps, default instances, layout properties, etc. work and none of it has been addressed. I'm just tired of seeing the same things over and over while all that gets worked on is broken exporters and broken features for them. The editor itself needs more attention.

  • Layers & the layout editor as a whole need some work. Starting to piss me off how every single request the past year has been completely ignored.

  • Yeah we are long overdue for an image offset feature. None of the current workarounds actually work, and are somewhat limiting. Also you can hold control to get rid of the 1px border when cropping, if you didn't know.

  • Ideally a new build of C2 would convert existing Tiled BG objects into sprite objects with the tiled image option enabled, then leave it up to the devs to combine them into a single sprite object with frames if they want, unless that can be done automatically.

    If that is not practical, then keep tiled BG's around but inform users in the manual that it is obsolete due to the sprite object's new feature, and eventually remove it from C2.

    We definitely do not need a whole new object just for one feature. That means 3 very similar objects that must be individually maintained, and can't be used in families.

    A "tiled image" behavior is interesting but I don't see it being used on anything other than sprite objects, and isn't even compatible with, say, 9 patch.

  • Fusion 2.5 is in second place because their forum has a gigantic banner telling people to vote for it. I'm sure if the other game engine sites had that the results would be radically different. I imagine less than 10% of devs using these engines have seen this poll anyway.

  • I don't believe in mobile gaming, but if I did I'd probably release a free demo and then charge for the full game, or just make sure the trailer is really good and then put out the full game; demos are known to decrease sales.

    No ads. Ever.

  • I meant they inherit the tiles placed on the canvas, not the tilemap image. Since the default instance has no tiles placed, then all new instances should be blank as well.

  • Is this still in development? Haven't seen any updates in a while :<

  • Bump for justice.

  • The whole .tmx implementation is whack in my opinion...don't really care to use it.

    edit: I forgot you can resize the eraser which makes wiping out the tiles of the previous instance pretty quick and easy...would still be nice to not have to do it though ^^; Seems like an easy fix, right?

  • Every time a tilemap instance is added to the layout it inherits the tiles (I mean the tiles placed on the canvas, not the tilemap image) from the previous instance instead of the default instance, which in my case is blank. Because of this you have to either erase every tile from each new instance, or track down and copy/paste the default blank one.

    Any chance this can be fixed for the next build?

    On that note, shouldn't objects have a "make default instance" button for new instances to inherit their properties from? Using the very first instance ever placed is...troublesome.

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  • Sprite object w/ bullet behavior & bounce actions are all ya need.

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