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  • Weird, but why are you saving it as a .txt? You can save it as a .json just fine and open it with notepad. Maybe that's it but I doubt it..

  • My only problem with the debugger is that it's REALLY slow in my game. I get around 10-20fps running it on Chrome, and 20-30 running it on Node-Webkit. I tried running it on a preview server using another computer but I couldn't get it to run (nothing showed up).

  • You could try using the pin object to pin the position of the enemy to the bullet, pushing him backwards.

  • I think I've got it but I don't have a way to test it. Basically it's just a "for" that goes from 0 to gamepad.count. You can set which button is being pressed inside of it.

    I have no idea if the pin at the Start of Layout is working also.

    edit: Whoops, I forgot to set the angles to gamepad(loopindex,0).

    And I forgot to mention, whenever using a for you can use "loopindex" to use it on expressions.

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  • Construct 2 uses CocoonJS to export to Android and iOS, so if you're looking into using the dialer you'd better off asking them.

  • Did you get to fix everything?

    Best thing about threads like these is that if someone ever stumps in a similar problem they can just read what you did. Thanks for sharing!

  • Oh, whoops! I thought that was just a text saying what the controls were, didn't know you could click on it haha.

    Trying it out again now.

  • I really liked it but I usually play these games using the arrow keys, so I sucked. Maybe you could add custom key support?

    Also be careful when setting W S A D keys, not all keyboards are QWERTY.

  • I made this little launcher for my game and decided to share it.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Basically, you can choose a window size and set custom keys for the game, then it saves to a "settings.json" file in a "data" folder, wherever the game is located at.

    The one thing missing is giving out an error if the player presses a key that's already assigned.

    Capx :

  • If you add your font to the project and export it, it'll be in the "package.nw" file, but I'm not sure if Node-Webkit uses it properly...

  • Hi,

    So, I was messing with a demo I exported on Node-Webkit and I noticed that the package.nw file is just a .zip with all the images/code/music/sounds inside of it.

    Since C2 does a good job obfuscating the code, I'm not worried with it.. however I'm a bit worried that people can change the images of my game, put it in the "zip" file, and run it. I tested it here, and the game run perfectly, even with the modified package.nw file.

    I asked this question in the node-webkit group on google, but I'll also ask here.. is there a good way to protect that file from anyone modifying it ?

    Maybe check the md5 hash of the file to compare it in-game, and give an error if it doesn't match? I know there's a plugin around but I couldn't find a way to retrieve the hash out of the package.nw file at the beggining of the game to compare it..


  • Save your project as a "project", not as a .capx file. A .capx is just a .zip file of your project.

    When you save as a project, there are folders with all the graphics, event sheets etc. You can even open the event sheets and see the code for them.

    I like to save everything in a dropbox also, so even if a file gets corrupted, I can go back (not that it has ever happened).

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