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  • If you only need to input numbers you can accomplish it with just the Mouse&Keyboard and Text objects and two events:

    + System: For "" from 0 to 9
    + MouseKeyboard: On key LoopIndex + 25 pressed
    + System: Trigger once
    -> Text: Set text to int(.Text & LoopIndex)
    + MouseKeyboard: On key Backspace pressed
    -> Text: Set text to int(left(.Text, len(.Text)-1))
    Here is a more advanced example that works with multiple instances of the text object and shows a blinking cursor on the selected instance:
  • What it does:

    Replaces one color with another.

    How to use it:

    The "old" parameters define the color to be replaced, and the "new" parameters define the new color. Values are in the range from 0 to 255.


    Download "Color Replace.fx" and place it inside the effects folder.


    Color Replace.fx



    New version that works with transparency, thanks to tulamide

  • The "anglediff(a, b)" expression is a better way to calculate angle differences as is corrects for the 360 to 0 jump.

    Change this

    -> Sprite16: Set 'Angle Speed' to Sprite16.Angle - Sprite162.Angle[/code:3gwp2r86]
    to this
    [code:3gwp2r86]-> Sprite16: Set 'Angle Speed' to anglediff(Sprite16.Angle, Sprite162.Angle)[/code:3gwp2r86]
    and remove event 3
  • If those boss ships aren't animated set their animation speed to zero, that should reduce the number of times the collision mask needs to be recalculated, which will give you a speedup.

  • I used black (or 0) to be empty and every other color is a particle. Collisions are done by before moving a particle, check the destination. If the destination is empty, then move the particle. Else if the destination has another particle in it, then you have a collision and the particle isn't moved and you can define some reaction at that point.

  • Here's what I've got so far:


    I've added a few more features since I've uploaded that but the file is on my other computer.

  • Actually I think Quanzi has made a falling sand game. Here's the link to the topic, but the link to the file seems to be broken. http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1639&p=11505&hilit=falling+sand#p11505

    I recommend using the image manipulator object to manipulate the pixels themselves instead of a object per pixel. It should allow the frame rate to be somewhat constant as the number of particles increase instead of becoming progressively lower. I got it working but found the frame rate wasn't to great on my low end machine.

    Here's a good resource about making falling sand games:


    Here's a game made in construct where the physics route was taken:


  • Don't use create by name if you want to modify the object right after it's created. In this situation it's easy enough to just add a few more events. It will only be one extra event per object.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/pics/events.GIF">

    p.s. mspaint makes some retro looking GIFs.

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  • Citnarf I like your example, very inspirational. I was messing around with dungeon generation after looking at your example and came up with a few ideas.

    For the rooms, box objects would work well to define them. Then to draw the map with walls and floor just sample locations say every 16 pixels over the boxes. If the location overlaps a box then it's a floor, or if the location doesn't overlap a box in any of the 8 directions around it, then it's a wall.

    So all that's left is to do is create a number of boxes, of random size and build onto already placed boxes. I found the "push out of object" actions of the custom movement behavior to be useful in this situation. My Pseudo code for box placement is as follows:

    1. create a new box so that it overlaps existing boxes.

    2. push the new box out of the existing boxes so it isn't overlapping but is next to other boxes.

    3. move new box toward the closest box by a small distance. (this helps eliminate isolated rooms).

    Here is the result of this interesting idea and some free time, enjoy.


    req 0.99.91

  • No matter the setting the text object has some level of filtering, at least for me. Use the spritefont plugin to bypass the filtering.

  • Silhouette

    The burring is due to how your graphics driver resizes windows.

    Here is a way to have 2:1 scaling without any filtering:

    * Check "unbounded scrolling" in the layout properties.

    Then run these actions:

    -> System: Set Zoom to (200, 200)
    -> System: Set layout size to 640 x 640
    -> System: Change display size to 640 x 640
    -> System: Scroll to X 0
    -> System: Scroll to Y 0[/code:1bbuufdj]
  • The "set at offset" only works for power of two textures. Another way would to put four instances of the 640x480 sprite and move them when they reach some boundaries.

    Here is an example of infinite seamless scrolling:


    req 0.99.91