R0J0hound's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks for the bug reports. Looks like I need to beef up my testing before uploading updates. I'll get a fix going tomorrow and it should be very fixable.

  • The system ACEs are hard wired into the exe from what I can tell. The cr namespace is in the common_prelude.js file as I recall.

  • Updated to version 1.7.

    Download link in first post.

    * Fixed: Crash with jointOtherUID expression when joint was connected to world (-1).

    * Fixed: "On pre step" and "On post collide" would crash if physics objects or joints were added and removed in the condition.

    * Added: "area" expression now works with tilemaps

    * Change: Tilemaps now use the "Collision Shape" property. They now support None, box and polygon. Circle and segment will be treated like none.

    * Change: "Set collision shape" action works with tilemaps as per the above.

    * Fix/optimization: Chipmunk objects will not needlessly update shapes if disabled.


    Thanks for the bug reports as always.


  • Prominent

    I do need to make some docs with examples in one spot. It's on my todo.

    The chipmunk library won't let you destroy shapes or joints under post collide. You could do the actions after a wait action for now. I'll try to work up something so that's done automatically in the plugin.

    Ah, I missed something there with joints. Thanks for the report.


    I saw that. There are some nice additions for sure. I may try my hand at updating the js port to include them. That vector processing stuff likely isn't usuable though.

  • 2048x2048 is just the text I used, however the error will occur if the texture size is bigger than what your system supports.

  • Updated to version 1.6.

    Download in first post.

    * Fixed: The "Query closest line segment" condition would fail to hit some tiles of a tilemap. See note [1]

    * Added: Changing a tilemap with this behavior will now update the collisions. NOTE: If the tilemap also uses C2's included physics behavior then whichever behavior runs first will update, the other won't.

    * Change: The "imagepoint" option for attaching joints now attaches to the "origin" if 0 is used and the Center of Mass (COM) if -1 is used. Previously 0 would use the COM. spongehammer

    Note [1]:

    Prominent mattb

    The bug would occur if PointA x was the same as the left or right of the tile, or if PointA y was the same as the top or bottom. Strangely enough the bug is also present in the original c library too.

    Also I don't generate the collision polygons for the tilemap. I use the polygons that the tilemap provides, which looks very decent.

    If I instead used a polyline instead of boxes there would be the possibility to get stuck inside.

  • spongehammer

    When you use "imagepoint" it just takes an imagepoint number. So 1 for the first imagepoint, 2 for the second...

    0 currently uses the object's center of mass instead of the origin. The built in physics does this, but I think it may not be very intuitive. Thoughts?

    So with "imagepoint" use

    1, 0 for the first imagepoint

    0, 0 for the center of mass

    If you use "layout" you can use:

    Sprite.ImagePointX(0), Sprite.ImagePointY(0)


    Sprite.X, Sprite.Y

    Prominent mattb

    It looks like a bug in the js library itself, so it may take longer for me to debug. If you move the tilemap 1 pixel to the right it works flawlessly, oddly enough.

  • I'll look into it tomorrow, it's probably some typo in my code. I'm guessing the shape for that tile wasn't created. Can a body drop through it?

  • Updated to version 1.5

    Download in first post.

    * Change: Renamed the conditions in the "Query" group to with more intuitive titles.

    * Fixed: query conditions now work with families.

    * Fixed: some of the query conditions were not working with concave polygons or tilemap.


    That's a cool example. Also thanks for the family bug report.


    It's now fixed.

  • mattb

    Here's an example of the line segment casting. The query conditions also set it's query expressions which can give normal and hitpoint.

    "pick overlapping line segment"

    Picks all object's whose shape overlap the line. In addition to picking the objects, info about where the line hit, and normal are accessible from expressions which all start with "query".

    "raycast and pick first hit"

    It's about the same as the one above, but it only picks the first object hit. It also gives the ability to filter out objects by collision layers or group. It sets the query expressions as well.



    "pick overlapping line segment" isn't working all the way with concave polys or tilemaps, but the other condition is working fine.

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  • Updated to version 1.4:

    Link on first post.

    * Added the new icon. Credits to

    * Added: Polygons can now be concave. Internally they are converted to convex polygons.

    * Added: Tilemap objects now work. See note[1]

    * Fixed javascript error with "line segment query" condition.

    * Fixed bug with queryNormY expression. Was the same as queryNormX.

    * Change: The default sleepTimeThreshold is now 1 second. It was 0.5 before, and objects fell asleep to quick.

    * Joints updates:

    • Added the ability to use a postion on the layout or an imagepoint to determin where to connect to objects.
    • Added: Now you can attach joints to the layout by using -1 for the uid of the second object.

    [1] Tilemap notes:

    Tilemaps ignore the "collision shape" and "prevent rotation" will always be considered "yes".

    The area expression for tilemaps will return 0.

    Changes to the tilemap are not detected currently, so the collision won't change if the tilemap is changed. A workaroud is you can force an update by changing the size of the object.


    The collisions won't automatically be updated if the tilemap is changed. You can manually force an update by changing the tilemap's width.


  • mattb

    The "pick overlapping line segment" should do it, but it seems to be bugged in the last version I uploaded. The fix will have to wait till I finish with the other stuff I'm adding, which is requiring lots of code changes.

    Stuff like this:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... index.html