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  • It can but not with vanilla C2. In C1 and C3 there is the distort mesh feature that you can use to distort the image from the points. You'd just hide the point sprites.

    With C2 you can only do the distort with third party methods which don't transfer to C3.

  • Here is one possible way. It's just a bunch of sprites that are connected with a bunch of links. Basically the links are a maximum distance that two sprites can be away from each other.

    The concept can be applied to physics objects but it also pushes the objects apart so the result is more like jello.

    Here i used some loops to pick all the pairs of sprites. It would be pretty tedious without it.


  • Here's one idea. The two concepts are rotating around a point and prespective transform.

    Rotation is easy enough. The formula is:

    newX = (x-centerx)*cos(a)-(y-centery)*sin(a) + centerx

    newY = (x-centerx)*sin(a)+(y-centery)*cos(a) + centery

    The beauty of that is we can do a rotation in 3d by replacing xy with yz for example. We can use that to calculate the 3d positions.

    The next part is to calculate the screen transformation.

    fov = 60

    eyez = 320/tan(fov/2)

    screenX = 320+x*eyez/z

    screenY = 240+y*eyez/z

    scale = eyez/z

    Then we just hide anything with a z less than 1, and sort the sprites by z.

    The only other tweak is to move everything forward before the perspective transform by adding say 200 to the z variables after the camera rotation.

    Anyways here's the implementation.


    I do like the container idea too. You'll want the displayed sprite, and the one you move with events to be different. As far as the textured floor i don't think the mode7 fx would be suitable for this since it doesn't handle looking up and down.

  • Yeah, I’ve found my examples are getting more complicated as of late. Mainly because I’m going from scratch and barely using features or plugins that could possibly make it simpler.

    Anyways it was fun to attempt at least. I’m sure someone may come up with an alternate approach that’ll be easier to understand.

  • Here's a example. It's not true perlin noise but it is smoothed noise.

    smoothed noise can be done as simply as filling an array with random values and using bicubic interpolation to get in between values. Here I went a step further and just used a 1d array and used a hash to pick an index from any x,y.

    Anyways, the actual terrain generation in event 6 should be much the same no matter what noise function you get. Although you probably would want to use a tilemap instead of sprites.


  • Cool example. I thought I'd try my hand at preserving the horizontal letter spacing when on the curve.

    There is a text.textwidth expression that is useful for measuring the text, but it only gives a value after the text is drawn. Anyways, for example if you have a word like "Hi" I was first positioning the "i" after the width of "H", but found it worked better by positioning "i" after the width of "Hi" minus the width of "i". That way it indirectly got the horizonal kernal too.

    The second part is to position the letters a certain distance along a path. basically it involves converting the curve to a polyline so we can measure distances.

    Made in c2 but should work the same in c3.


  • Ah. Well looking at the values further it looks like there are 10bits per component instead of 8. They didn’t end up being spaced out every 10 bits but I came up with this.

    Basically if the color is negative you can get the colors back with this. Internally each component can have 1024 values.

    If the color is positive then my previous answer should apply. But only the old rgb() expression should do that.


    G=int(-color/2^26)%1024*255/1023 B=int(-color/2^10)%1024*255/1023 A=(-color)%1024*255/1023

    It doesn’t give the exact value but it should be spot on if you round it. Unless I made a mistake somewhere.

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  • Construct packs the color into a number. The usual standard is to pack the colors into a byte per component. On discord someone said it’s not packed like that but I haven’t looked into it.

    Anyways say for example the number is a 32 bit number then the color could be packed for example RGBA.

    R = int(color/256^3)%256

    G = int(color/256^2)%256

    B = int(color/256)%256

    A = color%256

    The order may be different but I haven’t checked.


    Looked at the manual and some of those expressions take values in the 0-100 range. It’s good to know that in the number it’s always in the 0 to 255 range. So if you want 0 to 100 you’d want to do r/255*100.

  • You can make them go backwards by subtracting from the d variable.

    I wasn’t planning on implementing the matching since I wasn’t planning on making a complete game. Just the interesting bits.

    The d variable gives an order to the balls so an idea would be to populate an array with the values and see if there are any runs of 3 or more of the same color. There are other methods I’m sure.

  • Similar question to this recent topic:


    It doesn't use the physics behavior. You basically just move the balls along a path and when another ball hits you transition it onto the chain.

  • Hi,

    I had a partial go at figuring out some pointers on how to do a game like zume.

    First you need a way to move objects on a path. While there are many ways to do this I settled on needing one that will let you specify the distance along the path. Then you just change this distance to move the object back and forth. Another benefit is we can compare the distances with other objects on this path and know the order of the objects on the line. This is for pushing and seeing how many of the same color is in a line.

    The second part is inserting a free moving object onto the path. I ended up doing it with a dot product of the difference of positions of the objects and the angle of the path. It works well and pushes the other objects out of the way. However it's more of a snap, you'd want more of a smooth and fluid transition. As I write this I think it could be solved by calculating the perpendicular distance from the path and changing that to 0 gradually, as well as making the pushing of other objects be done till 0 too.

    Anyways, just some ideas. This is not a tutorial, more just implementing some ideas that may be useful for others.



    made the balls join the path more smoothly.


  • Fiddled with the math and cleaned it up a bit. Should be more correct now. Handles the screen aspect ratio, removed jquery dependency, and fixed the fov to use correct values.


    I probably should remove the previous examples.


    This capx does the positioning math with the projectionpoint function. If you're asking about the original effect then the math would be similar but not the same. I won't be finding the math for the original effect because I found it broken. I made this instead.

    You can see if the update works better for you. I'm not sure if how it was before was causing the issue. I don't have a lot of time to debug what's amiss in other projects currently.