Android-Music's Recent Forum Activity

  • Game looking great! Made a subtle remix of your title screen, just for fun -

  • Yeah, man, you need to add some space bettween letters. It may be a bit hard but will work for sure.

  • Try using sine behaviour with rotation on the spine object and you'll understand what am I talking about

  • +1 feature request - custom pivot point that could be manipulated in real time! Of course if that's possible! BIGGEST RESPECT TO FLYOVERGAMES!!! And thanks, Justifun, for those findings!

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  • Sounds nice, +1 from me! Btw I was asking about search bar before, hope Scirra guys didn't forget about that!

  • Gaaaaaah sad to hear this

    Anyway thanks for the info!

  • Was messing with export options for some sprites and decided to turn them to jpeg with 0 quality just to see if that works in preivew. Turns out it doesn't - all sprites are high quality as usual. True quality shows up only after export and that's understandable cause compression takes additional time.

    But my question: how do I preview a project with compressed sprites? Is it possible? If not then we miss a necessary option cause we won't be able to analyze the game properly at least on phones and tablets(I think so).

    Oh and a sub question - does jpeg or PNG-8 compression help increase performance on mobile devices?

    Forward thanks!

  • A small request: make it possible to change to x y offset for bullets so there'd be no need to set weapon's origin point or create a special box for jj_weapon.

    EDIT: Whoopsy daisy,forgot to look at properties, looked into events instead! Btw is it possible to change image point for bullets via events?

    EDIT2: Having problem with single shots. If I set up single shots, gun still auto fires.Had to make a workaround like

    on mouse click - make a shoot.

  • Great, now animation stuff is kinda clear to me, thanks!

    But I can't get how that intersection stuff can be applied in Q3D, most of its stuff like operators or expressions or other stuff are still unknown to me(shrugs). Is there any info on that? I'm pretty sure a .capx example would not hurt

    Thanks for the article, I'll be sure to try it somewhere else as well!

  • Erghm now I have even more questions...

    Okay let's start with two - is it possible to animate a texture on a q3d model? Example?

    What kind of linear algebra - can you provide an example or at least a basic formula?

  • Another question: how can I drag'n'drop a q3d object in-game correctly?

  • Do q3d sprites support lighting/materials stuff?

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