Make sure that the Platform behavior is turned off by default. Then make sure only the Host enables the platform behavior for everyone's character. You don't want both the Peer and the Host to be controlling movement, only the host
hi Noah Gengo, a question about this:
If I disable platform behaviour for the peer, there is no jittering movement, but noticable lag. (because the peer only sees what the host is sending)
If I enable it on the peer side: the peer sees the player move without lag. But the jittering movement appears when standing on sprite blocks.
The sprite blocks have a behaviour "jump through".
And because there is jittering movement, the peer-player on the peer-screen falls through the block, while the peer-player on the host-screen stays on the block.
Do you have advice on how to fix this?
(I would like to increase the treshold of the the Jump Through-behaviour, to tell the sprite block: yes, I know the peer-player is jittering vertically, but don't let it fall down! But there is not much to edit.)