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  • here's how I would do it, not sure if this will apply in your situation. You could actually make a much shorter version with the same technique, but the shorter the cap, the longer the math...

    anywho, type a number in the editbox, to watch the thingies do their thing:



    accidentally uploaded cap from newer version of construct, if it didn't work before, it should now

  • here ya go. I'm not sure what part(s) you needed help with, so please ask specific questions if you have any:

    draining health capx

    use the arrow keys to move the guy. blue area is the recharge area.

  • while I usually go to Twilight Sparkle and the gang to 'spread values' such as friendship and cooperation, I just wanted to point out that you don't even need to have a name for the loopindex expression

    <img src="" border="0" />

    unless there's some readability problem, or you're using nested loops like

    For 0-10 in "xloop"

    --For 0-10 in "yloop"

    and I believe it will actually result in returning 0 every time when using the 'For Each Object' condition, since these are not named loops.

    also, don't forget there's a 'For Each Object Ordered' condition to do things like

    <img src="" border="0" />

    which in this case, for example, would do the For Each going from the leftmost sprite to the rightmost, though you can use any ordering expression, such as the Sprite('ID') pv variable you created.

    I'm not sure if this would be useful in your situation, but I suspect it might. Though I must admit, looking at the puyo puyo video doesn't immediately tell me what you're trying to do with the ID's exactly.

    If you haven't already gotten everything figured out, or if you don't mind elaborating just to satiate my curiosity - are you assigning them an ID based on which vertical space they'll be above?

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  • here's a little tutorial (including an interactive exe) on lerp

    lerp tut

    it also contains a link to an interactive exe with an example usage of lerp, qarp, and cubic.

  • it'll work with a simple animated sprite (or bone sprite, or custom animation system for that matter)

    here's with a simple 3 frame walk cycle:

    animated particle guy

  • here it goes on an older version of construct, also updated the link up there:


  • zyblade, oops. I was using the next version of cc. I'll try to remember to make this in an older version later and repost it, though i'm not sure how eony321v was able to open it, unless he just means the sprite particles example

  • eony321v, here's one example. there are more complex ways that would give you more control by making your own particle system, but here's a simple example, of a particle stickman that's pretty quick to make. you can tweak the particle settings for different effects:

    particle man

    edit: example of how to make particles from sprites

  • I'm a little not getting paid at the moment, so even a small amount of money requires consideration. I had meant to buy it before the early adopter period was over, but I just missed the deadline. still planning on buying it once I finish up my current project in CC.

  • battlefield 3

  • oh...i was actually just being polite with the question mark in the title. I was totally sure it was a typo. never heard that phrase before

  • no biggie, but:

    Scirra has a strict email policy! We hate spam as much as the next person. Rest assured we will not abuse your trust and will not sell your details on.

    last phrase with that last word kinda doesn't make sense

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