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  • konjak, It wasn't a horrible memory leak, and it would only leak once per resize. I only noticed it because I had a situation where canvases were resizing almost nonstop.

    Also, not sure what you mean with the compiling. Do you mean if you keep previewing your layout it will eventually get an out of memory error? If you can explain the issue in more detail, I'll try to take a look at what relevant code I can when I get a chance.

  • If I don't say Tom, but rather just tom, does it still send an alert?

  • I think it's perfectly feasible to make a c2 project converter to an alternate engine, on a piece by piece basis. Once I can establish some type of stability with my business situation and get some free-time back, it's a project I'd like to try my hand at.

    To make a full runtime for c2 would take a very very long time, but making something piece by piece - starting of course with sprite object, some system ACE's, text object, and then mouse/touch object - you'd have something useful to play with as you developed it further.

    The proof of concept kyat mentioned is in this thread.

    It doesn't do much, but it shows that it's very simple to throw together something that converts C2 xml to some target language code. Depending on the platform, you usually won't even need a full plugin system. You can include the modules manually, or have the conversion application add the code needed to include the additional files.

  • title says it all:

    <font size="1">as a side note, there will eventually be a unity plugin for Spriter[/plug]</font>

  • ASHLEY. I think it's safe to push this through autoupdate. only bugs reported are either IDE related (not changed in this release), and the false virus warnings.

  • Try this exe ->

    drag the red handle left and right to see different values for Angle Randomizer.

    Angle Randomizer sets the maximum angle any one of the particles can turn in one second.

    Try it around the lower values (between 0 and 30) especially to get a clear picture of how to use and explain it.

    <img src="" border="0">

  • Try Construct 3

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  • i like how the whats next for html5 site just freezes my browser

  • thanks everyone. GenkiGenga, stability won't be a problem. The plugin isn't doing anything unusual that might cause stability problems. However, in the event that bugs are found, they will take priority. There is a long roadmap of future features planned for Spriter, so development won't stop anytime soon. We will be outlining some of those future plans after release, btw.

    Yes it still counts. Every current owner of Spriter and any new purchasers until Spriter's impending release will get the C2 plugin for free.

  • Sorry vidi, I thought I had responded to your last post already. but Yung is exactly right. Look at that pic again:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    now this isn't completely scientific, but on disk that image takes up 168k. The next image is a rough example of the size of a cut up version of the character. If you made the images specifically for spriter, they would be in separate files, so you wouldn't even need to have that waster in between space.

    <img src="" border="0" />this image takes up 12k. I'm not sure how directly the disk space translates to VRAM space, but it should be a similar ratio.

    There is some white space in the large version, but if you were to fill it with images, you'd have 18 frames worth of space. This means a sprite would use about 14 times as much vram, just to have 18 frames of animation, for this particular character. Want 36 frames, then the regular sprite would use about 28 times the space as the spriter version. The spriter version would still take up 12k of VRAM, even if you had a total of 1,000 frames. This will help not only VRAM usage, but eventually download size as well.

  • But its fact that is 2D, in GM you can make a lot 3D games If you have knowledge and for me the structure of the program (windows, boxes) I like more GM. But I like also CC because really its very easy to use and its simple.neither is a 3d game maker, but CC has limited 3d of it's own as well

    also, C2 seems like it's about to get an exe wrapper. I used gamemaker a long time ago. imo, cc and c2 are both much better at what they do. for the amount of scripting required in game maker, you may as well just learn action script and use flash

  • Also Spriter, is a outside program and export png sequences of frames.

    But the question is ould using bone movement in an outside program and exporting it into .png images be too much? vs. construct classic bone movement ?

    I'm not completely clear on what you're asking, but I will try to provide a general answer in those areas. There will be a plugin for Construct Classic, and eventually C2, that will animate the character for you in real time so you don't need to use export to PNG unless it's for a platform that doesn't have a Spriter plugin yet.

       Like Bone Movement for Construct Classic, running it through the plugin instead of using exported PNGs would require much less VRAM. Spriter will cap off the VRAM usage with whatever the total size of all your images are, no matter how many frames of animation you have(with tweening you have effectively unlimited tween frames). Using the plugin, the vram usage won't increase with any amount of additional frames and animations.

       With export to png, or any traditional frame by frame solution, you could potentially fit an entire Spriter character's VRAM usage in the same space that a frame or two of normal images take. With each additional frame, you're using that same amount again. There's a huge tradeoff you have to make in either image size or animation smoothness - one of Spriter's goals is to alleviate this problem.

    Did any of that answer your question?

  • Thank you very much. It's up to you, and either way, we appreciate the enthusiasm, and the purchase.

       Also, if you have some additional questions, I encourage you to ask them now. This feedback will be helpful as we approach completion by providing ideas for last minute tweaks and additions.

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